“Vacuity spoils” .. 6 fun ideas to take advantage of your free time without costs
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Despite the busyness of some, there is a space of time, some call it free time. In this case, the young man or girl has finished all his required work and has time without a goal or achieving anything, so we find that some of us think of new ways to exploit it and others It is possible that he spends sleeping for long hours, so “The Seventh Day” with Nashwi Jaber, the Life Coach, shows the best fun things that you can do in your spare time and at the lowest cost.
Life Coach says to the seventh day: Free time is one of the most rare times in our days due to the large number of preoccupations, so anyone who has time and free time tries to take advantage of it and does not try to spend it with sleep, because excessive sleep causes lethargy of the body and health problems.
Fun things to spend useful free time: Chess
Chess is one of the most entertaining games and also has a great ability to spend time and get rid of free time by playing and merging and also helps to change the mood for the better or it is possible to play other games you like as desired.
Share puzzles with friends
Exchange puzzles with friends, which can lead to hours of fun and change the mood in a nice way by playing a game of intelligence and thinking in solving puzzles. These games are one of the best ways to nourish the mind well.
Talk to a friend or relative
Talking with a friend or relative can be one of the best ways to spend free time in a way that benefits you and develops your personality as well, especially there is a long period in which we are busy with our close ones and we are not able to communicate with them successfully, so it is better to take part of the free time to talk to those close to us.
contact with nature
Gardens are a beautiful thing and have great psychological comfort, and it is always useful to communicate with nature and enjoy the outdoors that rejuvenate your energy and improve your mood.
Make favorite sweets
You can use your spare time to prepare your favorite dishes that are clean, tasty and have healthy ingredients.
Do some exercise at home without spending money on a gym membership or buying equipment, all you need is to play your favorite music that motivates you to exercise, run for hours or even dance.
Running in free time

free time dancing

Chess game
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Source : اخبار الاردن