
A doctor debunks a common myth about treating a sore throat

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-25 09:53:29

Dr. Vladimir Zaitsev, an otolaryngologist, declared that ice cream can be harmful when used to treat a sore throat.

In an interview with Radio “Sputnik”, the specialist indicates that some believe that ice cream is able to relieve sore throat and pain. This is a common and incorrect myth. Because on the one hand, the cold causes the blood vessels to spasm, and this can actually help reduce inflammation. But on the other hand, the cold can cause damage that worsens the patient’s health condition.

He says, “Of course, ice cream can help one person and not another. Because we know very well that cold causes the blood vessels in the human body to spasm, so when we eat ice cream or frozen fruit juice or anything very cold, it causes spasm of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx. And the blood vessels and the tonsils, how does it protect against inflammation. But if inflammation is present, then cooling will be harmful and unhelpful.”

The specialist does not advise people who suffer from a sore throat to eat cold foods and drinks, but rather warm foods and drinks.

He says, “If a sore throat occurs, even if it is mild, you should eat warm foods and drinks, so as not to harm the mucous membrane and not increase inflammation and pain. Also, eating hot foods and drinks can cause tumors. Therefore, the food temperature should be moderate and comfortable, It does not contain sharp spices and seasonings, nor is it salty or bitter.

He adds, ice cream can bring some benefit to a healthy person, and in this case it is important to eat it in small pieces, so as not to cause any harm to the throat.

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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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