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Prairie expects Kiev to fall within two days

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-24 21:04:43

Jordan News

Professor of International Relations, Dr. Hassan Al-Barari Al-Ajarmeh, expected the fall of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, within two or three days if the Russian aggression continued with the same momentum.

And he added in a post to him through his official account on Facebook today, Thursday, that Putin may resort, after the fall of Kiev, to the installation of a government that “will be in his hands like a puppet” and thus control its foreign and domestic policy, as was the case during the days of Soviet rule.

Al-Barari believed that the scenario of the Ukrainian resistance could not be dropped, which might constitute a major headache for Russia.

He continued, “There are many who believe that Ukraine has the right to join NATO, which was requested by the Ukrainian president and rejected by NATO years ago, but there are also those who put forward the idea that there are historical Russian security concerns.”

He pointed out that “there are those who return this Russian aggression to three historical geopolitical schools: Orthodoxy, Bolshevik, and Eurasianism, meaning that Putin has always been waiting for an opportunity to expand, citing everything he says.”

It is noteworthy that Russian forces destroyed 83 targets on the ground in Ukraine and achieved all of their targets set for Thursday.

#Prairie #expects #Kiev #fall #days

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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