When does the child start talking and ways to stimulate his pronunciation?
Amman Today
publish date 2022-02-24 09:43:19
After crying was the main method of communication for your child, and after more than half a year, you will witness a huge leap in the development of language in your child and you will find the answer to your question when the child begins to speak. Soon, your baby will be able to speak. But just as he has to crawl before he walks, your little one will start chattering before he says any real words.
In this article, I reveal to you about the development and growth of speech in children, and help you with some tricks that motivate them.
Speaking and Developmental Milestones
When your baby starts to “talk”, he’s showing off his new language skills. Sure, you have no idea what he’s saying, but this hilarious play will eventually lead to real words. In fact, chatter gives you a peek into his cognitive development, as he memorizes and repeats sounds, takes time to think about what he wants to say, and learns to use verbal and nonverbal verbs.
There is a social component to gossip, too. Before your child says a specific word, he learns grammar and socialization by observing you. Your baby sees how you react to sounds and notices how you take turns talking to others. Through this, he learns language and imitates how others verbally interact with him.
When does the child start talking?
Experts say that towards the end of your baby’s first year is an important milestone for a baby to start talking. He will babble in longer chains of short, miscellaneous, meaningless syllables, using the tone and cadence of an adult. This terminology stage is an introduction to speaking the first words, which usually occur around the time of your child’s first birthday.
Once your baby is trained to use his lips and tongue to form sounds, usually between 6 to 7 months, the babble will resemble speech. You will hear a variety of sounds, such as bababababa, bb, bb, and other combinations of more than one letter.
Your little one may seem to be blurring out random sounds, but if you pay close attention, you’ll notice changes in tone and effects when he talks. His voice might rise at the end of a series of chatter, as if he was asking a question.
You’ll also notice that your baby may pause after saying what’s on his mind, seemingly waiting for a response. This is because children quickly learn that conversation is a matter of give and take, not just one person talking to themselves.
Ways to stimulate speech in a child
Although your child will likely realize language skills at a specific stage, there is plenty you can do in the meantime to encourage speech and help develop his or her language skills. Here are the top ways to achieve that:
Read with your child
Use sign language
Use language whenever possible
Call things by their names
Expanded in response to his requests
Give your child options
Avoid exposure to screens and electronics
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Source : اخبار الاردن