Natural recipes to lighten an area around the mouth at home.. so that it is about to light up
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Many women face the problem of uneven skin tone, especially in the mouth area, which occurs due to weather change or neglect of skin moisturizing, as this area around the mouth is more prone to dryness, and to lighten this area, it is recommended to use natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth, according to what The site mentionedboldsky“.
Natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth
Lemon and honey to lighten the area around the mouth
Honey helps moisturize the skin and prevent facial wrinkles, and maintains the pH balance of the skin, and lemon contains vitamin “C” that helps treat hyperpigmentation, so it is recommended to prepare 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of honey, then add Fresh lemon juice and raw honey, stirring the ingredients, putting the mixture on an area around the mouth, leaving it for 10-15 minutes, then washing the area with warm water and leaving it to dry, repeating the recipe once a week, repeating the natural recipe for several weeks, to get a positive result.
Tomato juice to lighten the area around the mouth
Tomatoes are one of the best natural ingredients that help lighten the skin, so it is recommended to prepare 2-3 teaspoons of tomato juice by cutting a medium-sized tomato into two pieces, then squeezing it and putting the juice on an area around the mouth and leaving it for 20 minutes, then washing the face with water Repeating the recipe once a day.
Potatoes to lighten the area around the mouth
Potatoes help lighten sensitive skin, as it contains whitening properties, so it is recommended to prepare 1 potato, then cut it in half, and massage the area around the mouth with half a potato, in a circular motion, wait for 20 minutes, then wash the face with water, following the recipe once a day.
Almond oil to lighten the area around the mouth
Almond oil contains a high percentage of vitamins. E “, which helps in improving the skin by placing a few drops of almond oil in the hand with fingertips massage in a circular motion, leaving the oil on the area around the mouth for 20 minutes, then washing the face with lukewarm water, repeating the recipe two or three times a week.
Lightening the area around the mouth
Natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth
Recipes to lighten the area around the mouth
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Source : اخبار الاردن