
Be advised and aware that he will laugh at you.. 5 ways to deal with an exploitative man

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Some men exploit women emotionally and financially out of love, and because a woman by nature is emotional, she may be deceived into the personality of this type of man, and give him what he wants for free. After marriage, the woman turns into an acquired right, where the woman finds herself spending more on the house and giving the expenses to her children, She takes care of them and her home affairs without the help of the husband, which affects the woman’s psyche negatively over time, when she did not receive the love she dreams of from the man, so he reviews “The Seventh Day” with Dr. Ahmed Allam, a prisoner consultant, the rules for dealing with and exposing an exploitative man.

Signs that a man is exploiting a woman

stop loving:

The exploited man stops loving and exchanging feelings, if he does not obtain a personal benefit from the woman, even if this matter is outside the woman’s control as a result of her cessation of work or the decrease in her money.

Not acknowledging the woman’s thanks to him:

The exploited man does not recognize the woman’s credit for him because his recognition means that he owes her the return of the favor and also his intense anger and his attempt to stop the woman from achieving her personal ambitions and goals, especially if it will not bring him any benefit.

Healthy ways to deal with a exploitative man:

Exploit detection:

The woman must reveal to the man his exploitation of her on more than one occasion or situation, and tell him that she is aware of his exploitation of her, which makes him feel confused and try to discredit his wife, and stop exploiting her for a while and then return to his nature after a while until it stops permanently.

Putting red lines:

A woman must set red lines, such as not allowing her husband to control her professional ambitions, especially if it does not conflict with raising her children and her marital duties..

Ask him to share:

The woman should ask her husband to share and cooperate with her in the family duties and to divide those duties equally.

Not caring about his feelings

A woman should not pay much attention to his feelings that he shows after spending his interest in her, for true feelings appear at all times and not only in the interest.

Don’t make it the center of your life.

A woman should not make the exploited man the center of her life, because he may turn away from her after the end of his benefit without considering her feelings.

Dealing with the exploited man

exploitative man
exploitative man


#advised #aware #laugh #ways #deal #exploitative #man

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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