
5 sentences that a woman says to a man, she means another meaning.. the most prominent of which is I am good and there is nothing

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Women are still a puzzle for many men, who cannot understand them yet, especially when talking to them, as some women prefer to use indirect phrases that mean other meanings, which some men cannot understand and which we review in this report, according to the website. “yourtango“.

I’m fine

A woman uses the phrase “I am fine” when she wants to enter into any discussion or argument with a man, but she does not mean that she is actually okay.

no thing

This is usually the answer when a man asks a woman, “What’s wrong?” To respond to him with the word “there is no need”, which a man should beware of when hearing it, because it indicates her desire to arouse anxiety and tension in the man, and it may also be the beginning of a violent quarrel between them.

We need to talk

The phrase “we need to talk” means the woman’s desire to feel calm and end the dispute between them, while the man thinks she wants to quarrel with him.

This guy annoys me

The phrase “this man is bothering me” means to warn the man of the need to take care of her and change her, and also means that the woman does not feel safe.

what did you say?!

When a woman says this phrase in a sharp voice, this does not mean that she did not hear what the man said, but it means that she gives him the opportunity to change what he said or explain what he said so that the conversation between them does not turn into an endless quarrel and continues for a long time until the man discovers his mistake and reconciles the woman and ends this dispute.

Talk to the wife
Husband discusses his wife
Husband discusses his wife
Wife talking to her husband
Wife talking to her husband


#sentences #woman #man #means #meaning #prominent #good

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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