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Expert warns of a “hydrogen bomb” in Oman

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-23 22:04:19

Jordan News

City planning expert Dr. Murad Kalaldeh warned of what he called a “hydrogen bomb” in the capital, Amman, represented by the Sixth Towers.

Al-Kalaldeh added, in the context of his talk to the “Pulse of the Country” program on the “Roya” channel, this evening, Wednesday, that this danger is represented by the structural panels of these towers, as it is an exposed metal structure exposed to various weather factors such as heat, dew, wind, and others.

He added that these towers cannot bear the delay in the work on their construction, considering the decision to complete the implementation of these towers correct, but late.

Kalaldeh pointed out that the return to work on the project of these towers needs a lot of technical and legal measures.

#Expert #warns #hydrogen #bomb #Oman

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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