
6 Asthma Triggers At Home You Should Watch Out For

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-23 17:34:44

About 262 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, a chronic disease that affects both children and adults. It occurs as a result of inflammation and narrowing of the small airways in the lungs; This causes a person to suffer from coughing and shortness of breath, and it can end in a fatal asthma attack.

In this context, the British newspaper “The Sun” reported 6 asthma triggers that may be present in every home, calling on people to be wary of them.

These motivators are:


Experts say sheets and covers made of unnatural fibers, such as microfiber, nylon or acrylic materials, are the most dangerous to asthmatics, as they act as a “trapper for dust and volatile organic chemicals.”

– Dust:

Dust and dirt can significantly worsen asthmatic attacks.

The charity Asthma UK says on its website: ‘Actually, the problem is dust mites, tiny insects that live in dust. It is too small to be seen and it is very difficult to get rid of it completely.”

The association adds: “There is a substance in dust mite droppings that leads to the appearance of symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing or runny nose,” which are very dangerous symptoms for asthma patients.

– Gas:

Experts say the use of gas for cooking is a major concern for asthma sufferers, and it is similar to the “effect of smoking” on them.

Experts also confirmed that gas-powered heating devices can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

They pointed out that the reason for this is due to the release of nitrogen dioxide, which can cause the stimulation of the respiratory system and cause asthma symptoms.

Experts advised asthma patients not to use these devices.

Mold or moisture:

mold causes; that grows in damp homes, in asthma; Because the germs it produces can irritate the airways and lungs.

Mold can also put you at greater risk of developing an infection that later exacerbates asthma, such as chest infection.

Humidity in the home occurs for many reasons, including rainy weather, cooking, drying clothes indoors, and lack of good ventilation.

Sprays and perfumes:

Deodorants and cleaning products, nail polish and other personal care products or even candles, are a nightmare for some people with asthma.

Experts say that sprays and perfumes contain inflammatory chemicals.

Experts advised asthma patients and their families to use products that do not contain strong and stimulating scents.

– Passive smoking:

Passive smoking, i.e. staying with a smoker and inhaling the smoke of his cigarettes, is very dangerous, not only for asthma patients; But for everyone.

Experts say that inhaling smoke disrupts the normal development of the lung and immune system and causes airway irritation. This can lead to symptoms of asthma and other lung diseases.

#Asthma #Triggers #Home #Watch

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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