
The representatives of the Islah bloc are the best representatives of Jordanians, and no one has the right to question their patriotism

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-22 23:13:24

Professor of political science at Yarmouk University, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Turki Bani Salama, said that the representatives of the Islah bloc, who represent the Islamic Action Front Party and the Islamic Movement, are all Jordanian citizens who enjoy full citizenship rights guaranteed by the constitution.

Bani Salameh added in his comment, following a speech by Representative Ahmed Al-Qatawneh, in which he protested against the systematic exclusion of Islah bloc deputies from participating in parliamentary delegations, that no one has the right to question the Jordanianness, citizenship and patriotism of these representatives.

He pointed out that they reached the parliamentary seats with merit, integrity and merit, and none of them reached through the flagrant fraud that we are witnessing in every election, or through the use of black money and the purchase of debts, and therefore they are one of the most representative members of the House of Representatives of the popular will.

The international expert in democracy and rights studies stated that despite all attempts at exclusion, restriction and marginalization of the members of the bloc under the dome of Parliament and in public life, their performance under the dome was the best among all the members of the Council, and their positions and words that express the conscience of the nation became stations of pride. Pride, and lessons in patriotism, shared by people through various social media, and may contribute to spreading political awareness and achieving political development, in a way that the Ministry of Political Development has not been able to achieve during nearly two decades of its establishment.

He said that many of the Jordanian people wish we had dozens of representatives, such as Yanal Freihat, Saleh al-Armouti, Ahmed al-Qatawneh, Musa Abu Hantash and other members of the Islah bloc, noting that “you can imagine how the parliament would perform if there were deputies who were forcibly absent today.” On behalf of the council, such as Dr. Abdullah Al-Akaileh, Ali Al-Sunaid, Ghazi Al-Hawamleh, Saddah Al-Habashneh, and others,” he said.

Bani Salama stressed that the members of the Islah bloc are exercising the role entrusted to them in oversight and legislation to the fullest, and none of them wants to trample on the constitution, and none of them wants to throw himself from the top of the wall in honor of the Minister of Culture, noting that the representatives of the Reform bloc place the general interests of the country and the servants Above all considerations, and perhaps they will pay a heavy price as a result of their stances, as none of them owns a company, and none of them has ever sought to obtain a government tender, and if they were to participate in any parliamentary delegations, they would have been the best ambassador for Jordan, for what we know about them of hand hygiene and boldness in telling the truth and being careful. At home, they will certainly not go to the casinos in order to get a free dinner, as approved by a member of the House of Representatives.

Bani Salama pointed out that one of the survey research showed the government’s complicity with some parliamentarians and their economic benefit in order to obtain political gains. For nine consecutive terms since his election in 1993), 128 million dinars are the share of two brothers in the Council and 150 million dinars are the share of companies of the brothers of a former Speaker of the House of Representatives, and 92 deputies from the seventeenth parliament contribute to companies whose capital is one and a half billion dinars, according to the Companies Control Department’s record.

It amounted to the contribution of 104 deputies from the seventeenth parliament and their family members to about 770 companies, with a capital of 1.7 billion dinars.

Bani Salama said that the Muslim Brotherhood has been throughout its history a key ally of the political system and has always stood by it, especially in the stormy years, and today it tries to participate and finds all doors to it closed, political participation is still limited, and is limited to a narrow base of political elites, who are not subject to For accountability and accountability, with the spread of the phenomenon of regional and tribal loyalty.

He explained that Jordan is classified according to the political and civil liberties index as not free, explaining that the security services continue their policies of repression and suppress public freedoms, and waves of arrests continue against political opponents, and the security grip prevails in managing public political affairs in Jordan.

He spoke that when the current Speaker of Parliament, Abdel Karim Al-Daghmi, was elected as Speaker of the Council, he pledged to restore the prestige of the Council, and said that no one would be allowed to interfere in its work except within the limits of the Constitution, and he is the member who was forcibly absent from the parliament’s opening session, and he did not plead with him that he did not miss the opening of the Council Since 1989, today the bet rests on him to fulfill his promise to restore the council’s prestige. Today, he is the president who holds the reins of all the affairs of the council and its joints, and he is the mastermind of every small and big movement in it. The Jordanian constitution is the centerpiece and center of the legislative authority, and its president, according to the internal system, enjoys broad powers and competencies, and therefore he is directly concerned with the prestige, interests and aspirations of its members, and is able to lead them to safety at all times, and within the lowest costs, and today he has the duty and responsibility to put an end to the perceived weakness in the performance of The most important legislative institution in the country, and to bring about a real transformation in the performance of Parliament and put an end to the Parliament of Decoration or the Alo Council, and the dominance of security institutions and their interference in parliamentary life e.

Bani Salama said: “In the end, the parliament, whose members do not enjoy prestige, freedom and equality, and falls under the domination of the government and security services, loses its legitimacy, strength, credibility, and justifications for its existence, and becomes a burden on the political system, according to the ABCs of political systems; The parliamentary system is based on cooperation and balance between the legislative and executive powers.

He stressed that what Jordan needs in light of these difficult circumstances is a strong parliament, an effective government with a general mandate, an independent judiciary, a free press, active civil society institutions, and security agencies that focus their energies in their areas of competence for the security and protection of the state and its citizens, and do not delegate powers that they do not have or Outside the framework of its duties, and this is what serves Jordan and achieves its interests and befitting its people.


#representatives #Islah #bloc #representatives #Jordanians #question #patriotism

Parliament of Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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