
Why is the air in cities worse than in the countryside?

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-22 09:34:42

Russian physician Igor Stepanyan, a pulmonologist, declared that urban air is worse than rural air because it has a high content of solid particles.

In an interview with Radio “Sputnik”, the specialist indicates that the human lung is negatively affected not only by pathological infections, such as “Covid-19” infection, but also by the state of the air. For example, many city dwellers complain of a lack of oxygen, even though they get about the same amount as rural residents.

He says, “The amount of oxygen in urban and rural air does not differ much, and is equivalent to 20 percent, and if there is a difference, it will not exceed one percent, and this does not affect much.”

And he adds, urban air is worse than rural air, because it has a high percentage of solid particles.

He says, “For example, the smog that hangs over cities usually consists of a mixture of different gases and a high percentage of solid particles suspended in it. These are practically harmful components.”

The specialist points out that the source of these harmful particles is the construction sector and car tires that wear out on the asphalt.

According to him, to maintain the health of the lungs, it is necessary from time to time to take a walk to nature.

“When you spend a long time in the urban environment, it negatively affects your health,” he says. “So it is better to go outside in nature whenever conditions allow.”

The specialist recommends spending the whole day of the week in the fresh air.

#air #cities #worse #countryside

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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