Important foods to prevent atherosclerosis
Amman Today
publish date 2022-02-22 17:56:56
Jordan News
There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke, such as smoking, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. However there are also a number of foods that can help reduce the risk if you include them in your diet.
Likewise, there are a number of foods that should be avoided or minimized, such as foods that are high in sodium. Several behaviors, such as smoking, drinking or not being physically active, can increase the risk of stroke, along with high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes or an unhealthy weight.
The American Heart Association has included nuts in its list of superfoods.
“Nuts contain protein, fiber and unsaturated fats. In just one meal, you’ll fill your body with nine grams of monounsaturated fat to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Almonds are also a great source of vitamin E, which can prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. “
The Stroke Foundation says potassium can help control blood pressure. Dairy products are a source of potassium, along with calcium, which can also help control blood pressure.
Dairy alternatives include calcium-fortified soy milk or rice milk. Other sources of calcium include fish with bones, almonds, and tofu.”
The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation also confirms that monounsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. It is found in some nuts such as almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts and hazelnuts.
#Important #foods #prevent #atherosclerosis
Jordan Miscellaneous news
Source : اخبار الاردن