
Foods that should not be kept in the refrigerator

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-22 09:31:00

According to the Chinese website WeChat, it is not recommended to keep spices, tropical fruits and pickled vegetables in the refrigerator.

The author of the topic points out that many view the refrigerator as a closet in which everything can be placed. But this view is incorrect and may be life-threatening.

He adds, first, that it is wrong to keep spices and spices in the refrigerator, such as anise and pepper, because in the refrigerator they absorb moisture, and thus begin to produce mycotoxins that cause liver diseases.

In addition, it is wrong to keep tropical fruits in the refrigerator, such as bananas, lychees, etc., because they lose their benefits and quickly decompose due to moisture, and the low-temperature environment helps the multiplication of bacteria in fruits and the production of mycotoxins. It is also not recommended to keep pasta products such as uncooked vermicelli in the refrigerator.

The author points out that it is not recommended to keep fermented vegetables in the refrigerator as well, as well as medicinal herbs, because their presence next to foodstuffs during a long period of time absorbs moisture and penetrates various bacteria, which loses all their beneficial properties.

#Foods #refrigerator

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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