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For these reasons, we withdrew from the elections of engineers (witness)

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-22 13:23:06

Oman – the inch

The unified union list held a press conference this afternoon, Tuesday, at the Professional Syndicates Complex, to announce the full details of the reasons for its withdrawal from the elections and its repercussions on the scene of union work for engineers.

The unified union list (the coalition of Al-Bayda and the independents) announced its withdrawal from the electoral process in the Syndicate of Engineers in its next stages, which are the elections for the engineering people’s councils and the elections for the Syndicate Council.

The list said in a statement issued by it, last Saturday, that the decision came in protest against the blatant, crude and direct interference and the violation of the most basic rules of freedom and secrecy of elections.

She indicated that what happened during the Friday elections, during the elections of the syndicate branches, of circumventing the will of the engineers through external interference, mismanagement and organization, and the failure to guarantee the freedom, integrity and confidentiality of the elections, makes us distance ourselves and our rules from engaging in this farce.

The list said in a statement during its press conference, that the introductions and preparations and then what happened on Friday 16/2/2022 in the branch elections is unprecedented in the union elections, stressing that the scenes were painful and painful for those who followed them, and uncharacteristic in union elections over the past sixty years. And more.

She explained that the elections in the union have been taking place over the years, with a high level of management and organization, and without any interference by any third party. Last.

Read also: Al-Hawamdeh to “Al-Bawsala”: We withdrew to reject official interference in the elections and to spare the union further losses



#reasons #withdrew #elections #engineers #witness

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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