An expert shocks Jordanians and reveals the impact of daylight saving time on the electricity bill
Amman Today
publish date 2022-02-22 12:13:01
Jordan News
Jordanians are divided over the government’s controversial decision to switch to daylight saving time at the end of this month instead of the end of March, as it has been for years.
Representative Muhammad Shatnawi, on behalf of another group of deputies, sent a memorandum to Parliament Speaker Abdel Karim Al-Daghmi, calling on the government to reverse its decision to introduce the transition to summer time.
While many citizens see that it is still early in the year to switch to daylight saving time, astronomer Imad Mujahid said, “The problem lies in the time of sunrise, as people will have to leave for work or school an hour earlier, while it is still dark outside. This will strain the people”.
Mujahid added that introducing daylight saving time “will also increase electricity consumption, which goes against the main purpose of switching time, which is to reduce this consumption,” noting that “the government insists on switching to daylight saving time, although I cannot understand how that That can save electricity.”
Mujahid said: “In general, factories do not open at very early hours, and this will only waste electricity and most people will need to light the house at that time,” adding that the decision is “negative and will only lead to losses for the government.”
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Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن