
8 ways to achieve psychological peace before entering the month of Ramadan .. “Do not expect perfection”

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

If you can’t find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else Psychological peace is a person’s ability to get rid of the chaos of life and not give in to failure and internal frustration with his ability to achieve psychological balance by accepting himself and others. Therefore, with the approaching entry of the blessed month of Ramadan, many of us seek to activate and revitalize psychological peace within him, so he reviews the seventh day with Reham Abdel Rahman, expert in family relations 8 tips to achieve psychological peace within you.

Getting closer to God Almighty

Inner peace begins when a person is in a state of peace with God, through charging the faith energy with prayer, remembrance, reading the Qur’an, standing, fasting and charity..

practice gratitude

Gratitude is the law of optimists, and therefore a person must activate this law in his life upon waking up from sleep by thanking God for good and bad times and positive self-talk such as: “I think best of God” “I feel happiness and God’s kindness” in order to activate the law of positivity and optimism.”

Beware and self-flagellation

Self-flagellation constantly loses a person’s confidence in himself and makes him feel sad and depressed. If a person makes a mistake, all he has to do is correct the wrong behavior and not return to it again..

Stay away from psychological destroyers

Such as negative thinking, comparing oneself to others, and frustrating relationships, all of which are psychological destroyers that destroy the positive energy of a person and make him always in a state of doubt, dissatisfaction and psychological stability.

Learn the culture of apology

Apologizing to others does not mean that a person is weak in character, but on the contrary, apologizing is a classy culture that brings peace and contentment to the soul and does not feel guilt towards others, but does not go overboard in apologizing to those who do not deserve it.

Don’t expect perfection

The human soul is inclined to imperfection, just as perfection is an attribute of God Almighty. Therefore, do not strive for perfection in completing things, as this may cause you despair, frustration, and self-flagellation, and thus affect your psychological peace..

Rest and Meditation

A person should spend the weekend resting and practicing meditation, relaxation and some exercise; This helps a person to feel psychological calm, mental serenity, and the ability to continue the various burdens of life.

without your achievements

Psychological peace begins when a person trusts himself and believes in his abilities. Therefore, a person must write down and write down achievements, even if they are simple from his point of view. Remembering these achievements in times of psychological weakness helps a person to rise again..

She says, “There are scientific studies that emphasized the need to stay away from using social networking sites as soon as you wake up, as they are fatal to creativity, meditation, and human ability to accomplish things. Do not search for your value in people’s eyes. Look for it in your conscience.”.

Tips for achieving psychological peace

Have peace of mind
Have peace of mind


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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