
Imprisonment and a fine for a news website publisher and editor-in-chief

Amman Today

publish date 2022-02-20 11:33:26

Jordan News

A court in Amman convicted the two suspects (a news website and the editor-in-chief of the website) of the crime of not investigating the truth, and also of the crime of lack of balance, objectivity and integrity in presenting press material, and sentenced them to a fine of five hundred dinars and fees.

In the details of the ruling, the court found that after the news website published a story about a private hospital in the capital and that it had swallowed the largest share of patients belonging to an Arab nationality in favor of the hospital, it was also reported that the hospital administration was doing this away from the eyes of other private hospitals.

It has been proven to the court that what was stated in the news is incorrect, as it is an international company that distributes patients belonging to one of the Arab nationalities to hospitals, and it has been proven to the court that the complaining company (the private hospital) has been harmed by publishing this news.

The court also found that, after circulating the news, the international company did not transfer any patients of this Arab nationality to the hospital, and it was proven to the court that what was stated in the news was untrue, and the writer of the press material did not take into account the integrity and objectivity of presenting the press material.

#Imprisonment #fine #news #website #publisher #editorinchief

Accidents and crimes in Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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