A sweet word makes a difference.. 4 benefits you do not expect for your positive comments to others
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Some are reluctant to give positive comments and direct sweet words to others, they believe that it is not necessary or worthless, but all social studies have confirmed that it has the effect of magic in the recipient and that the kind word and positive comment towards others around you have a noticeable impact on them and on all aspects of your life and even On your character, too.
Brightside reports on the most important effects positive feedback can make for you and others
Mood improvement:
Just as we need to eat every day, we also need to hear praise from others on a daily basis, but some people think that when they continue to praise others, it will make them feel that those comments are not sincere, but research has shown that those who get Constantly receiving praise from the people around them, they are always in a state of contentment and happiness, and their feeling of happiness because of those comments does not decrease with the days, as some think.
Stimulation improves mood
Better performance at work:
It is known that getting a salary is the biggest reason that encourages you to be regular in your work, but some people consider their job to be a reflection of their skills and abilities, so that job has importance on the personal and moral level for these people and not only on the financial level. Your boss is always keen to praise your work, you and your colleagues, you are lucky, these positive comments reduce your feeling of pressure and make you feel appreciated for your efforts that make a change that others notice.

Encouragement improves daily performance
Insist on success:
A person’s decision to train himself in a new skill may make him face some challenges and some failed experiences, and such experiences can easily cause that person to become frustrated and make him prefer to give up rather than continue to face failure, and may make him think that he is not qualified enough to acquire this skill ! Giving positive comments to such people is the biggest motivator that helps them to continue their attempts without feeling hopeless. These comments are considered the cure for feelings of frustration.. Try to make that person see their small achievements and you will notice that they will appreciate your efforts more than you expect.
Feeling your self-worth
When you express to someone his success and see the impact of that on him, you will feel good about yourself and your influence in life, and you will feel that you were able to create a positive conversation between you and that person, and thanks to that conversation, you improved his mood and made him think in a positive way about himself and those around him.

Positive feedback is mutually beneficial
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Source : اخبار الاردن