5 simple steps that increase the feelings of love between you and your partner..the word makes a difference
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Married life has a lot of troubles and difficulties that both the wife and the wife must cross together, and not just the wife. That the husband does it will not take much of his time, but it has the effect of magic in relieving his wife and renewing the love and cordiality between them, according to Nada Al-Jami, a marital and family relations consultant, in her interview with “The Seventh Day” as follows.
The word thank you is different:
A woman is dedicated to her love and sacrifice for the sake of her husband and children and does not wait for any material return from the man. She is just waiting for the moral return or at least the word “thank you”, so she wants to feel the appreciation of her husband and children for her effective role in establishing a family life full of warmth and love.
The sweet laugh is easy on her:
We often find husbands who enter his house after a long day spent at work with a frown, not laughing in the face of his wife, and he justifies this to her that he is tired and exhausted from work, but it is very important that you meet your wife with a laugh from the heart that reaches her heart and you see her laugh too, so the fatigue and pain disappear It rejuvenates your energy.
Give gifts to love one another :
It is necessary for the husband to surprise his wife with a gift from time to time, especially if it is not linked to a specific date or occasion, so that his wife is surprised by it and feels that he is thinking of her constantly and not only on occasions, and the gift is not in its material value but in its moral value.
She said you look sweet and mean:
In the marital relationship, some husbands do not care to raise his wife’s morale, but this matter is important. If you see her wearing a new dress, commend her for choosing the color and shape of the dress and that it suits her, and if you find her following a new diet or going to a nutritionist to lose weight, you have to encourage her and tell her that she has lost weight. .
Pay attention to the details:
Every woman wants her husband to take care of the smallest details in their emotional relationship, as well as the details of her external appearance and appearance that she seeks to change and develop for him. What women feel most upset and embarrassed.
the couple
life partner
feelings of love
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Source : اخبار الاردن