
Natural recipes to intensify eyebrow hair at home..it will not cost you much

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Some women suffer from the problem of thinning eyebrows, which causes women to feel embarrassed in front of others, so there are different ways to show thick eyebrows, but all of these methods are temporary and end with their removal, and for this we review in the report, natural recipes to intensify eyebrow hair, which depend on simple methods that can be implemented At home, which we review in this report, according to the website ” femina“.

Natural recipes to intensify eyebrow hair

Coconut oil to thicken eyebrow hair

Coconut oil helps moisturize the hair and promote blood circulation, which stimulates hair growth. Therefore, it is recommended to warm some oil and massage the eyebrows with oil with the fingertips, moving the fingers in a slow circular way, leaving the oil all night on the eyebrows and washing the eyebrow area when you wake up from sleep.

Aloe vera gel to thicken eyebrow hair

The gel is extracted from aloe vera leaves, which helps moisturize the skin and nourish the hair of the eyebrows. It also stimulates the growth of eyebrow hair, by peeling the outer cover of the aloe vera leaf with extracting the gel, massaging the eyebrows with aloe vera gel and leaving it for at least 30-60 minutes, then washing Eyebrows with water, repeating the recipe on a daily basis to get a positive result.

Fenugreek seeds to intensify the hair of the eyebrows

Fenugreek seeds contain a high percentage of protein and vitamins. B3“, so it helps hair grow faster, and it also rebuilds hair follicles, by soaking the seeds of Hilla in water and leaving them overnight, then grinding the seeds until they turn into a soft paste, and placing them on the eyebrows, for a period ranging between 30-45 minutes, then washing Eyebrows with warm water, while repeating the recipe on a daily basis to obtain a positive result, which is the growth of eyebrow hair over time.

Thickening eyebrow hair at home
Recipes to intensify the hair of the eyebrows at home
Thickening eyebrow hair at home
Natural recipes to intensify eyebrow hair at home
Thickening eyebrow hair at home


#Natural #recipes #intensify #eyebrow #hair #homeit #cost

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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