
Thwarting a major counterfeiting operation in Jerash

Amman Today

publish date 2022-01-06 11:35:19

Jordan News

The security services thwarted a major counterfeiting operation, and seized a quarter of a million counterfeit dinars in the possession of two people in Jerash Governorate.

The media spokesman for the Public Security Directorate said that information was received for employees of the Drug Control Department about a person offering counterfeit cash for sale in Jerash Governorate, where a special investigation team was formed from the administration to follow up and verify this information.
He added that the investigation team was able, through collecting and following up on information, to identify two people involved in that case, and the task of the first person was to counterfeit the currency, while the second was trying to sell and promote it.
The media spokesman confirmed that the first suspect was arrested and samples of counterfeit currency were found in his possession, and then the house of the second suspect, who was arrested, was raided and printers and equipment used for counterfeiting currency were found inside his house, in addition to counterfeit banknotes of various denominations estimated at approximately A quarter of a million dinars.

#Thwarting #major #counterfeiting #operation #Jerash

Accidents and crimes in Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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