
Doctors injured in a traffic accident on Al-Ruwaished Road (photo)

Amman Today

publish date 2022-01-05 16:17:57

Jordan News

Doctor Hamza Al-Qarala said, today, Wednesday, that a number of doctors were injured in a traffic accident on Al-Ruwaished Road while they were on their way to work at Al-Ruwaished Governmental Hospital, yesterday, Tuesday.

And the Qur’an wrote:

“In a government hospital located in the Al-Ruwaished area, approximately 320 km away from the capital Amman, it is called the term used by doctors in exile.

Doctors work there for 4 continuous days, plus a day of travel between return and return, corresponding to 7 days off. According to him, the doctor spends a little less than half of his life there.

And due to the poor connectors provided by the ministry, which if you use them, you will lose at least an additional half a day, forcing colleagues to risk their lives and use their cars on a path that has been devastated by corruption and loss.

Yesterday, a group of them had a traffic accident and were lying on the al-Shifa family, so does the Tesla shepherd know about the shepherd of the Prius…!!!

#Doctors #injured #traffic #accident #AlRuwaished #Road #photo

Accidents and crimes in Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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