The impossibility of arriving on time.. 4 towers known for being late for work, the most prominent of which is Aquarius
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
There is among us an employee in any governmental or private institution who is always late for his appointments and justifies his action with various lies such as crowded streets or bridges or other reasons contrary to reality, and these are believed to belong to some astrological signs, which we review in this report, according to the website “romper“.
Towers known to be late for work
Aquarius..doesn’t like to hear orders
Aquarius is one of the constellations that thinks a lot before implementing any decision in her life, even if the decision is to leave the house. She is late for work.
Aries.. I think his colleague needs to wait for him
Aries has self-confidence and a leadership personality, and for his self-esteem he finds that others should wait for him and not the other way around, so he is always late for his work appointments.
Gemini..may be late to choose his clothes
Gemini is a temperamental, social person, and always doubts those around him, and thinks a lot before making any decision, so that he can be late because he stands in front of his wardrobe to choose his clothes to wear before he goes to work.
Cancer.. his family problems by being late
Cancer is one of the people who is always late for work, because he always feels anxious and tense for not being able to choose suitable clothes for him, in addition to his concern for his family and children causes him to be late for some time.
Being late for work

late employee

man late for work
#impossibility #arriving #time #towers #late #work #prominent #Aquarius
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Source : اخبار الاردن