Study predicts when the omicron wave will end
Amman Today
publish date 2022-01-06 09:16:05
A study prepared by researchers at the American University of Florida expected that the end of the new mutated wave of the Corona virus “Omicron” would soon be.
The researchers said in the study that the “Omicron” wave will get worse before it fades and disappears.
Much has changed since the emergence of Omicron, said Ira Longini, a professor of biostatistics at the University of Florida and a co-author of the study.
He added, “There was a significant rise in the number of Omicron patients, faster than we expected.” However, the American academic said that he was not greatly shocked, because the team of researchers expected a large peak in infections of the mutant.
“We had no doubts that there would be a massive wave of infections in Florida,” he said.
Longini expected that the wave of the mutant “Omicron” will fade in mid-February, as the speed of its spread will be less, and the peak is likely to be in the second week of January.
He pointed out that the incubation period for “Omicron” is 3 days, compared to 5 days for the “Delta” mutant, which led to an increase in the speed of the epidemic.
And he warned that “Omicron” could lead to severe infections among young children, especially among those less than 5 years old, due to their failure to receive the vaccine.
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Source : اخبار الاردن