
Representatives agree to unify the general budget in one law

Amman Today

publish date 2022-01-05 17:36:12

The House of Representatives agreed to unify the financial reference under one legal umbrella, by submitting to the National Assembly a single draft law for the general budget, including the budgets of government units.

By a majority of 110 votes, the parliament approved the amendment of Article 112 of the constitution, so that the draft general budget law, including the budgets of government units, is submitted to the National Assembly at least one month before the start of the fiscal year for consideration in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. The government submits the final financial statements at the end of 6 months from Expiry of the previous fiscal year.

This amendment comes to enable the government to extend its control over the revenues and expenditures of independent bodies, in addition to developing and activating parliamentary work mechanisms by shortening the effort and time of members of the House of Representatives and notables when discussing the budget law.

#Representatives #agree #unify #general #budget #law

Parliament of Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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