
How dangerous is the “Marseille mutator” with an atypical structure?

Amman Today

publish date 2022-01-05 09:47:55

The Department for the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Russian Health Services, “Rospotrip Nadzor”, indicated that the Corona mutator registered in French Marseille may not pose a threat to the course of the pandemic and the intensification of the epidemic.

And the MedRxiv portal for scientific articles published a study on a new type of infection “detected in 12 people from Marseilles, caused by a mutation linked to the Corona virus mutants.”

According to the study, mutation tests revealed an “atypical composition” of the virus.

She added: “For the first time, a new type of virus was identified and named (B.1.640.2) in November 2021 in a person who had returned from Cameroon.”

And she continued: “The sequence of the first sample attributed to the mutant (B.1.640.2) was uploaded to the international database on November 4, 2021.

Within two months, about 20 injuries were added to the database, recorded in a number of European countries, the United States and India, and in December only single cases were recorded.

The newspaper explained that “the new mutant is characterized by a large number of genetic changes, including the protein (S) gene, while some of the mutations are inherent in the omicron and delta mutant.

#dangerous #Marseille #mutator #atypical #structure

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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