“My daughter is being blackmailed with fabricated pictures” How do you support her psychologically and legally in the face of the crisis
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
A tragic and shocking incident in Gharbia Governorate, when a 16-year-old girl ended her life after she was blackmailed by a young man in her village with fabricated photos and videos. It is a situation that any girl around the world can be exposed to in the era of technological development, with which counterfeiting techniques have developed. Which makes a lot of parents worried and wondering what is the right thing to do in this situation? That is why we offer several psychological and legal advice on properly handling the situation.
How do we psychologically support a girl when she is blackmailed?
Nada Al-Jamii, a marital and family relations consultant, presents to “Youm7” several important steps that a mother must follow in dealing with her daughter when she is blackmailed in any way:
Listen carefully to the girl
It is important for parents to listen carefully to their daughter’s speech, and the family tries to understand what happened in details so that such a thing of blackmail can happen, in addition to listening to what she says and feels, so that they can make the right decision about what the daughter is going through.
Find out why extortion occurs
To start solving any problem, you must first know the cause, so they have to know from their daughter the reason for this blackmail, but in a correct way, so you should not pressure your daughter and abuse her to answer your questions. As if you want to reassure her and solve her problem.
strongly support it
Containment and providing support for your daughter is very important, at this time your daughter is in dire need of psychological support and solidarity with her, and she needs it from her mother and father in the first place and then around her from the rest of her family members after that.
Don’t reprimand her
Avoid blaming your daughter, and not repeating threats and threats to her, because this raises her fear and makes her feel anxious and frustrated, and this of course negatively affects her psychological state and she may become depressed, and after solving this problem, your daughter will not forget this behavior for you and worsen your relationship with her in the future.
Take legal action against the blackmailer immediately
One of the most important steps to increase your daughter’s confidence in you is to make her feel safe and that her right will come, which will only happen by resorting to the law. When you sue this blackmailer, your daughter feels that her family is standing by her and will not abandon her until she can recover her right.
How do we act legally with extortion?
The seventh day, with legal expert Dr. Maha Abu Bakr, the lawyer in cassation, reviews the correct steps and correct behavior if a person is subjected to blackmail with private pictures, whether they are fabricated or real.
Report immediately
The legal expert said that if a person was subjected to extortion through the use of fabricated images, videos or other despicable means that this criminal may resort to, it is necessary to report immediately and without thinking, whether through Internet investigations or making a report or through the private WhatsApp service The Attorney General, who has served him for a while.
Reporting age
The legal expert added that the age of the informant in this incident does not matter, whether a minor or even a child, such as the girl of Al-Gharbia. Those under the age of 18 are considered children, and here the family must teach their children the power to defend themselves, nothing is above the law.
Not being silent or afraid
And the legal expert added to us with the knowledge that when silence or fear, especially on the part of the parents, to avoid scandals as they think, this matter will make the criminal pursue their daughter all the time.
Speak with fear
“You are right.” This is how the legal charity concluded its advice, saying that all girls should be strong when such things or problems happen, and speak about what happened with strength and trust that they are a victim who wants to take their right, as she said: “Speak without fear. It can get them like this.”
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Source : اخبار الاردن