
Make your own colorful fizzy balls for a refreshing bath

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Taking a bath mixed with your favorite soap or body cleanser is one of the most important moments a person spends due to his feeling of activity, vitality and recovery, including balls.bath bombsFamous, and in order to make your own bath bombs in a few minutes at the lowest cost, Dr. Raja Magdy, an assistant teacher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, offers you the method of making the bath bombs for a perfect bath, removing dead skin and obtaining smooth, bright and clean skin.

How to make bath bombs

Sodium bicarbonate cup

Half a cup of lemon salt is available at the attar or supermarket

½ cup Epsom salt or sea salt, also available at herbal stores

Half a cup of starch

2 tablespoons coconut

spoon food color

2 tablespoons of a favorite essential oil, jasmine, lavender, fava beans, agarwood or sandal.

How to make bath bombs

For skin care, here are the steps of making the bath bombs in a simple and easy way that makes you enjoy very soft skin. First, bring a small bowl, then put baking soda, lemon salt, starch, food coloring and English salt with each other and stir them well until they are completely homogeneous.

Put the essential oil you like, coconut oil and your favorite color and mix them well in a glass cup.

Gradually add the liquid ingredients to the powder, and stir the mixture with a hand-held egg beater until it is completely homogeneous.

Put the mixture in sealed molds of different shapes, you can use ice or chocolate molds, then slowly take them out and put them aside for two days until they hold together, and take into account that you store them in a completely dry place and away from moisture.

bath bombs

bath balls
bath balls

sparkling balls
sparkling balls


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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