6 tips to help you treat your child’s stuttering .. “Speak slowly and pay attention to your body language”
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The mother may sometimes notice her child stuttering when talking to her, or with his siblings, which makes her feel anxious and tense and look for different ways to help him to trust himself and pronounce the letters correctly and speak without stuttering, and this can be achieved by applying several tips that we review in this report, according to As mentioned by the sitestutteringhelp“.
How do you treat your child’s stutter?
speak slowly
The mother should speak slowly and calmly with her child and do not rush to talk and stop while talking and complete her speech, so that her child imitates her instead of screaming at him and criticizing his stutter in a way that makes him lose confidence in himself and increase his stuttering problem.
Sepeh speaks
The mother should stop asking a lot of questions to her child and allow him the freedom to speak and express his thoughts and feelings, so that he becomes more tactful and fluent when talking to others.
Let him feel your interest
The mother should use her facial expressions and body language to express to her child how much she cares and is happy to hear him, which makes him feel comfortable and helps to speak.
Make time for your child
The mother should devote some time to talking with her child and feel her interest and listening to him, and talk to him slowly and calmly, which helps to strengthen the child’s confidence in himself and express his opinion and feelings and speak fluently over time.
ask for help
The mother should ask for help from other family members, by talking and listening to the child all the time, without interrupting him, which helps him to speak without stuttering.
Don’t criticize him
The mother should avoid criticizing her child’s stutter, do not interrupt him when talking to him, and do not ask him many questions, but rather let him express himself more and enjoy him with interest.
Talk to the child

Talking to a stuttering child

Teaching a stuttering child
#tips #treat #childs #stuttering #Speak #slowly #pay #attention #body #language
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Source : اخبار الاردن