
4 important tips while using and storing mozzarella.. Check its color

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Mozzarella cheese is one of the most important types of cheese that is used in preparing the most delicious recipes, the most important of which is pizza and some pasta casseroles, in addition to its entry into many baked goods, which makes housewives rush to buy large quantities of them to store and use at intervals to serve a variety of dishes and the similarity of fast food in There are other times, so “The Seventh Day” with Chef Ahmed Eid reviews several tips for using cheese for mozzarella, from buying it to storing it.

first purchase

When buying cheese, avoid buying frozen cheese, but try to buy a bag that is not frozen and the bag is transparent so that you can see the color of the cheese and whether it is a single lump or zigzag shape and the cheese is flat or solid inside and the bag has water from the inside, as the color of natural cheese is creamy yellowish to an extent What, which is not pure compared to vegetarian, is completely white, and you must also make sure that the bag has the ingredients written on it, so the bag appears if it is natural or not.

If you buy cheese loose from the refrigerator and not the freezer, make sure that it is “rolled”, not kneaded, not lumpy, and does not have any water in the bag.

Second, check the color and type of cheese

The most important reason for its quality is if it is 100% natural, vegan, or 1/2 natural milk cheese, and of course natural is better. Natural cheese is yellowish-white or pale, and vegan is white, the color of pure milk.

Third, storage

This step is the most important step in cheese and any other product, as buying cheese that has been stored in the wrong way or has been disassembled and frozen more than once. Then it is divided into bags according to the size of use. Each bag does not exceed a quarter of a kilo for a large 32-inch pizza tray, then spread the cheese in the bag, and the cheese must be “excessive and falling off” and then put it in the freezer and do not put any foods on it other so as not to knead the cheese.

Fourth use

If the cheese is in the freezer, take it out two hours before use, and put it in the refrigerator or in a place outside the refrigerator, provided that it is away from heat, and then use it as you want.

The chef also made an important note that cheese should not be added to food directly on the fire from the freezer because it will be water and burn during settlement, and will not take on a golden color, and cheese needs a hot atmosphere during settlement, meaning that the oven temperature is high and there is sufficient distance Between grill and tray not less than 10 or 15 cm.



cheese color
cheese color


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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