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Social development: winter aid is under transfer to all beneficiary families

Amman Today

publish date 2022-01-03 22:50:00

The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Development, Barq Al-Damour, said, on Monday, that the families benefiting monthly from the National Aid Fund’s “recurring monthly financial aid program” amount to 107,000 families, with a total budget of 100 million dinars annually.

In his speech to the “Voice of the Kingdom” program, Al-Damour added that public aid ranges from 50-200 dinars, while care for disabilities varies from 20-80 dinars and humanitarian cases, and these are estimated according to the family’s circumstance and according to the existing circumstance that requires the disbursement of aid in the range of 45-80 dinars.

With regard to the people of the Gaza Strip, Al-Damour confirmed that they benefited from the programs of 2020, such as the daily laborer programmes, but they are not now benefiting from the programs of the National Aid Fund, since the fund’s programs are directed to citizens who hold a national number.

Speaking about the winter aid, Al-Damour said that this aid has been distributed by the Fund to families benefiting from the Fund over the past years and ranges from 20-45 dinars, usually spent once at the end of the year. Total aid bill.

“Now we are in the process of transferring them (winter aid) to the beneficiaries after the Cabinet approved the disbursement of this aid, as today the aid fund has reached the automation of all deliveries through electronic wallets and ATM cards,” according to Al-Damour.

In its session held on Monday, headed by Prime Minister Bishr Al-Khasawneh, the Cabinet approved the disbursement of a lump sum as winter aid to all families benefiting from the National Aid Fund, from the monthly aid program.

A total of 107,000 families will benefit from this aid according to the bases set by the fund, with a total amount of 3 million and two hundred thousand dinars.

Supplementary support

With regard to supplementary support, Al-Damour said that last year 85,000 families benefited from supplementary support, with a total value of 100 million dinars.

The National Aid Fund received 412 thousand new requests for aid under the Supplementary Support Program (Supplementary 1), as it began receiving applications from 1 to 31 of last December, according to the fund’s media spokesperson, Najih Al-Sawalha.

“This program was introduced in the National Aid Fund since 2019, before the Corona pandemic, and targeted the poor, relatively poor, and the working poor, who are not the categories of monthly beneficiaries,” according to Al-Damour.

The working poor atrophy defined the person who works, but the wage he receives from his work is not sufficient to cover his poverty gap, and we deal with them according to the severity of poverty.

“The working poor is up to 493 dinars and can apply for the program, and this is called the standard poverty gap for a family of 5 members (…),” according to Al-Damour.

He continued: “If we want to talk about the poverty line, it must be linked to the number of individuals and the amount of family income, provided that the income of the head of the family does not exceed 493 dinars, and there is a general exception for government employees and members of the security services and armed forces, where they cannot apply for the supplementary support program.” “

“A worker in the government sector cannot advance, and neither can the security services,” according to Damour.

The absolute poverty rate among Jordanians reached 15.7%, representing 1.069 million Jordanians, while the (extreme) hunger poverty rate in Jordan was 0.12%, which is equivalent to 7,993 Jordanian individuals, according to the latest survey on family income and expenditures carried out by the Department of Statistics (2017-2018). ), while the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Nasser Al-Shraideh, estimated the poverty rate in Jordan at 24% “interim,” an increase of about 6%; due to the repercussions of the Corona virus.

Regarding the conditions for progress, Al-Damour said that there are 57 indicators that have been developed from the National Aid Fund to study the cases of families. They are related to multidimensional poverty, levels of expenditure and income, level and type of expenditure on housing, expenditure on electricity, water and food, and indicators related to health and education.

health insurance

Damour, who manages the aid fund by proxy, said that the fund gives its beneficiaries health insurance, provided that the beneficiary is not a beneficiary of civil or military health insurance.

He indicated that the number of beneficiaries of health insurance reaches 60,000 families, and the rest is insured on the other hand.

With regard to education, he said that the current trends are to refer the names of poor families to the Poor Student Fund in universities to give priority in the process of university loans and grants.

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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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