
Why is lentil soup associated with the winter season? .. 5 reasons that made it the “Official Sponsor of Dafa”

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

When the weather temperature drops, a person searches for any way to help him feel warm throughout the day, so he resorts to searching for foods that make him feel full for a long period of time and are characterized by their delicious taste and ease of preparation and at the same time loved by family members, and therefore many think about cooking lentil soup Which is considered the lady of the Egyptian tables throughout the winter, for various reasons that made it one of the favorite foods of the Egyptians, which we review in this report.

Reasons why “lentils” are an official sponsor of the warmth

Fantastic health benefits

Legumes such as lentils and beans contain a high percentage of protein, dietary fiber and a low percentage of calories, so it is considered one of the healthy dishes that many people prefer, especially women who want to keep in shape, according to the website.food.ndtv“.

warm and satiate

Many people prefer to eat lentil soup in most days of the winter, because it helps to feel full for a long time, and helps to feel warm on cold nights.

Her recipes are varied

There is another reason for making lentil soup the lady of the Egyptian tables, which is its various recipes, where some ingredients can be added to it that increase its delicious flavor, and it can also be cooked in other ways, such as the Iraqi and Libyan lentil method and other countries that master lentil cooking.

It does not take much time

Some prefer to cook lentil soup, because it does not take much time to cook, and its ingredients are available at home, in addition to its delicious taste and preferred by family members.

It is not financially expensive for all classes

Lentil soup is financially inexpensive and suitable for all social classes, and all its ingredients are available at home, and therefore a large amount of it can be cooked at the lowest possible financial costs.

Another picture of lentil soup
Lentil soup
Lentil soup


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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