Kidney and diabetes patients..Avoid these foods as much as possible
Amman Today
publish date 2021-12-21 09:37:42
A dietitian from Fatima Hospital in Lucknow, India, says that in cases where saccharin is associated with kidney disease, foods that contain potassium and sodium should be avoided, as they do not increase blood pressure or are difficult to digest.
Dr. Shilpa Singh explains that the kidneys that help filter blood and remove wastes need extra work to eat this type of food and the kidneys become less efficient over time, and therefore adults with some types of kidney problems should avoid different nutrients and substances. Chemicals and others such as sodium, potassium and phosphorous from their general diet.
Here is a list of foods to avoid if you suffer from kidney disease and diabetes at the same time, according to onlymyhealth and Sputnik:
Meat and processed foods
Processed meats are often made by drying, salting, curing, and smoking meats, eliminating all nutrients and leaving only unhealthy carbohydrates.
Processed foods are high in sodium which actually alone makes up 60-70% of the daily allowance. Hence, it can lead to a breakdown in kidney function if taken on a daily basis.
Dark colored soft drinks
Dark colored soft drinks are high in phosphorous, which is often used in soft drinks and beverages. Most of these drinks contain 90-180 mg of soda in 350 ml. This is much more than the upper limit tolerable for a diabetic with respect to daily phosphorous intake.
Fruits that contain potassium
Diabetics with kidney disease cannot eat certain fruits that are high in sugar or contain an increased amount of potassium. This includes fruits: avocado, apricot, kiwi, orange and banana. It can be replaced with other fruits that contain healthy potassium such as grapes, pineapple, mango and apple, which can be eaten as an alternative to satisfy the craving and nutrition.
dried fruits
Dried fruits contain a high percentage of sugar and minerals such as potassium, so it is advised not to eat them. Diabetics are also prohibited from eating dried fruits in particular because the rapidly digesting sugar present in this food can negatively affect their health.
Beans and lentils
Kidney patients should not eat beans and lentils, because they contain a high percentage of phosphorous and sodium and can be a big problem if they are in small excess quantities.
sweetened juices
Most packaged fruit juices contain many preservatives and added sugars that increase blood sugar levels in the body. Then it can lead to health complications. To avoid this, try to get more fresh juice that is made at home and don’t add any extra sugar.
Some leafy vegetables
Spinach, green beets, and chard are some of the green vegetables that should be avoided for patients with kidney disease as they are high in potassium.
These vegetables also contain oxalic acid, which is a bound mineral that can produce kidney stones in people at risk.
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Source : اخبار الاردن