
6 rules to preserve the privacy of the marital relationship .. the most important of which is not to criticize the husband in front of others

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Married life is not without many problems that affect the life of the spouses in a negative way, and these problems may be simple or do not require the intervention of another party in the relationship, but sometimes the husband or wife resort to quickly talking and a third party interferes in their lives and this party may be a common person between The spouses as the wife’s friend or the intervention of one of the parents, especially if this interference was negative and eventually leads to the end of this relationship. Therefore, the seventh day will review with Reham Abdel Rahman, a researcher in family counseling, the reasons for the interference of others in the relationship between a couple, and how to address them.

The husband’s dependence on his family:

One of the main reasons for not respecting the privacy of the marital relationship is the husband’s lack of financial responsibility and his dependence on his family to spend on his wife and children, which allows them to interfere and control and impose decisions and control..

Family House:

The family home and the differences that occur inside it as a result of the husband’s attempt to please his family at the expense of his wife and children, and allowing them to interfere in the smallest details, as well as the attempts made by the wife to distance the husband from his family and his lack of connection to his relatives; This is in implementation of the advice she received from people who do not have enough ability to make a correct judgment on matters..

Ways to maintain the privacy of the marital relationship:

Advance agreement:

The courtship period is one of the important periods that determine the indicators of the success of the relationship between spouses in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to agree in advance on the areas that are permitted and not allowed for parents to interfere in, such as raising children, the husband’s financial income, the special relationship between you, taking vacations, and the wife’s work..

material and moral independence

Financial and moral independence is necessary to prevent interference by parents, in addition to the wife’s need to feel safe and her husband’s guardianship over her. Parents’ interference in the relationship between spouses comes as a result of fear of losing their position in the lives of their children and a test of their righteousness and obedience; They always need attention and appreciation.

deal smart

My advice to the wife is to be smart in dealing with your mother-in-law and give her all the feelings of support and containment by paying attention to visiting her and asking about her and involving her in raising the children..

Talk about your husband well.

No matter how angry you are at him, be sure not to mention his negatives in front of others, for mentioning his negatives is the door through which others enter to criticize your husband out of fear for you, and there are those who take advantage of these circumstances and events to sign between you, so beware of sedition makers.

Keep the boundaries of the relationship:

There are friends and relatives who seek to penetrate the private space between the spouses, so learn how to protect the privacy of this relationship without using the word “no” directly, but by changing the subject or declaring that there are things you have agreed upon that others should not know.

Choose the right time and place:

Resolving marital disputes requires the spouses to understand the other party, respect his point of view and not enter into an argument that allows a third party to interfere in the relationship, but just remember that love is life, so keep it.

Ways to solve marital problems

The privacy of the marital relationship
The privacy of the marital relationship


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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