
Two deaths in traffic accidents in Amman and Zarqa

Amman Today

publish date 2021-12-21 11:30:18

Jordan News

Two people died in Amman and Zarqa, and 17 people were injured, as a result of 446 traffic accidents during the past 24 hours, according to the Traffic Department.

Among the incidents that were dealt with was a road landing in the “Dakhlet Al Royale” area, the Seventh Circle area and the Al Maaref Roundabout area towards the Arab Bank towards Khalda and near the Sweileh Roundabout for traffic coming from the direction of Khalda Roundabout and towards the external patrol signals from the Sweileh Roundabout.

Also, 3 traffic accidents were dealt with, resulting in one moderate injury as a result of a collision between 3 vehicles before the age limits due to heavy dust and lack of visibility, as traffic was cut off in both directions for the safety of citizens.

It was also dealt with the accumulation of sand dunes within the jurisdiction of the south, specifically the Grendel area, along a length of 15 meters, with a width of the entire right lane and a height of 10 cm, and also in the Al-Quwaira area, where coordination was made with the works cadres to take the necessary action.

#deaths #traffic #accidents #Amman #Zarqa

Accidents and crimes in Jordan

Source : اخبار الاردن

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