
Symptoms that may indicate an overdose of paracetamol

Amman Today

publish date 2021-12-20 09:56:47

Paracetamol is used for many ailments, whether as a result of illness or injury, but too much paracetamol can be harmful.
Paracetamol, like many other medicines that help you, can be dangerous if you take too much of it. It can also affect you if you take it at the same time as another medicine and they interact in your stomach.
Know the symptoms in case of an overdose or adverse reaction, so you can seek help.
Mayo Clinic has listed the symptoms. Signs of an adverse reaction to paracetamol are similar to those that may occur with the common cold, according to the MediForum website.
It is a fever that may be accompanied by chills and sore throat. If you have a cold, an overdose can be identified by other signs.
They include bloody or black stools, and bloody or cloudy urine. You may also have lower back pain and find red spots on your skin. In addition, you may develop a rash or severe itching.
The Mayo Clinic stresses that these are all possible adverse reactions of paracetamol.

#Symptoms #overdose #paracetamol

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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