Simple tricks to feel warm at home .. “Breathing exercises and the correct arrangement of the covers”
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The country experiences cold weather with winds and rain at times, which makes many people prefer to sit at home and not go out except for the utmost necessity, whether to have to go to work or for another important matter, and while sitting at home, a person searches for anything that helps him feel warm and in The same time does not cost him a lot of money, and this can be done by doing some tricks that make the body feel warm, and this is what we review in the report, according to the websitebusinessinsider“.
How do you feel the warmth at home?
Breathing exercises
It is recommended to perform breathing exercises to feel warm, through inhalation, while tightening the abdominal and pelvic muscles so that the lower part of the abdomen takes the form of a bowl or a round bowl gently, and then exhale, and this is what a scientific study advised.
stay in wool
It is recommended to wear tight clothing made of fabric such as polyester, merino wool, silk or any other synthetic blend, then wear a long-sleeved shirt or cardigan, and then wear a winter coat.
Arrange your covers correctly
It is recommended to arrange the covers in the correct way to help with the feeling of warmth, as you place the comforter and then the most delicate quilt at the bottom, and a layer of thin and dense blankets on top.
Chocolate with butter
And when you have to get out of the house, it is recommended to eat foods that digest slowly, such as eating hot chocolate with half a piece of butter, which helps to feel warm and gives the body energy for a period of time.
Revisit your old memories
One study discovered that the feeling of nostalgia warms the heart, as participants in the study who remembered beautiful memories that occurred in the past felt warmth, so it is recommended to remember old pleasant memories to deal with the cold weather.
stay in ginger
Judy Griffin, author of the book, Mother Nature’s Herbal ‘, for site’WebMD“Ginger increases blood circulation, and thus helps to warm the body, and I also advised to eat other spicy foods that help improve blood circulation and feel warm.
feeling warm
Ways to feel warm
Ways to feel warm at home
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Source : اخبار الاردن