Health raises the alarm.. Omicron threatens Jordanians
Amman Today
publish date 2021-12-20 17:08:44
Jordan News
Jordan appears to have passed the peak of the third wave of the Corona pandemic after a set of indicators showed a steady decline in positive test results over the past days, according to health officials.
The peak of the third wave was in the 49th week, which was during the period from 3 to 10 December, followed by a 20% decrease in cases, from 35,000, in the 49th week to 28,000 in the 50th week, which decreased during the period from 10 to Dec 17. The positivity rate also decreased from 10% to 8.6%.
“The peak of the wave will certainly subside if the number of infections continues to decrease by the end of this week,” said Adviser to the Prime Minister for Health Affairs, responsible for the Corona file, Dr. Adel Al-Balbisi.
However, Belbisi said it will take time before the omicron variant starts spreading after seven cases were discovered in Jordan.
“The situation is under control so far, but the situation is still unknown when Omicron cases will increase,” Belbeisi said, warning against non-compliance with health measures.
“When we say things are a little better, it does not mean that people should relax their procedures,” Belbisi added.
For his part, a member of the Epidemiology Committee, Muhannad Al-Nsour, said that it is possible that we will see some stability while noting how the Omicron variable can affect other countries.
However, Ensour insisted, “What matters now is to encourage people to get vaccinated because unvaccinated individuals pose a huge risk to people and can overwhelm the health system.”
Unvaccinated people account for 87 percent of the current number of deaths related to corona and 82 percent of hospital occupancy rates. “So with Omicron it’s still not clear how those percentages will change,” Nissour said.
He added, “Look at what is happening with the Europeans… They received the second and third injections, but a third of Jordanians did not even get the first vaccine.”
He noted that the slow uptake of the first dose is not a good indicator of our ability to combat Omicron.
In a move to increase the ability to counter Omicron, new test kits that are more efficient in detecting the new variant will arrive in the country next week, according to Adel Belbeisi.
#Health #raises #alarm #Omicron #threatens #Jordanians
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن