A satanic counterfeiting operation transferring ownership of land in Khalda to a woman
Amman Today
publish date 2021-12-20 16:50:09
Jordan News
The Seventh Criminal Court specialized in corruption cases, in a session held today, Monday, restored matters to their rightful place in criminal facts committed by a woman and a citizen, as they seized, by forgery and fraud, a plot of land in the Khalda area, valued at about 600 thousand dinars. The court decided to return the land to its owner who resides in the United States of America. .
In the details, an official source in the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission said that the court decided to place the criminal on temporary employment for a period of seven years, and put her partner in the crime on temporary work for three years with the felony of material and moral forgery, the use of forged jointly, the misdemeanor of joint fraud and forgery of a false certificate.
The criminal and her partner had agreed to forge a marriage certificate stating that she was the second wife of the landowner and then a death certificate for him, all of which were certified by forged seals of the American Embassy, ​​the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Civil Status and the Department of Lands and Surveys, with the aim of seizing the plot of land belonging to him, and after the ownership of the land was transferred in her name with forged papers. She ceded it to a creditor working in the poultry trade in order to pay off her partner’s debts with that merchant and his debts in the thousands of dinars with other poultry companies, and when the deceived merchant tried to sell the plot of land, he discovered that all transactions were fraudulent.
The source added that this is one of the cases that the commission had referred to the judiciary earlier.
#satanic #counterfeiting #operation #transferring #ownership #land #Khalda #woman
Accidents and crimes in Jordan
Source : اخبار الاردن