
Foods that lower cholesterol easily

Amman Today

publish date 2021-12-11 17:30:24

Jordan News

We need cholesterol to stay healthy, and although there are some forms that are considered harmful to us, fortunately many people can lower cholesterol levels through proper nutrition and lifestyle changes, there are a number of things to consider when it is recommended to change your diet.

Many foods can help lower cholesterol levels, including two foods that are known to smell bad, fish and garlic.

Fish is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.

Garlic contains vitamins C and B6, manganese, and selenium, but it’s a chemical called allicin, a type of antioxidant thought to be responsible for its beneficial effects.

Changing your diet, getting more active, and quitting smoking can help bring your cholesterol back to normal.

To lower your cholesterol, try reducing fatty foods, especially foods that contain a type of fat called saturated fat. You can still eat foods that contain a healthy type of fat called trans fats, advise cardiologists from the American Heart Association.

Some healthy foods that are high in fat, such as oily fish, nuts, and oils, may be red in color due to the saturated fats. This is normal because they contain more healthy unsaturated fats.

Finally, experts from the American Heart Association recommend eating plenty of fiber. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease, and some foods rich in fiber can help lower cholesterol levels.

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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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