Aggression sends a message to MPs regarding the declaration of intent
Amman Today
publish date 2021-12-11 17:14:30
Jordan News
The writer Taher Al-Adwan said, today, Saturday, that “the water and electricity agreement with the enemy does not require the deputies to discuss, but rather a firm (no) word.”
Al-Adwan added that the declaration of intent signed between Jordan, “Israel” and the UAE “in the form of the suspicious gas agreement, places the lifelines of Jordanians (drinking water, factories and their products), as well as Jordan’s future in the hands of an enemy known for not only stealing well water, as he did in the occupied West Bank, but Theft of an entire river, the Jordan River, which diverted its course 60 years ago, and which, in the Wadi Araba treaty, seized two-thirds of our share of the source water in Tiberias.”
Al-Adwan concluded its inclusion on Facebook: “Oh, representatives, it is enough to pass agreements with heads bowed in shame.”
#Aggression #sends #message #MPs #declaration #intent
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن