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Signs of recovery in the real estate sector… Will prices rise?

Amman Today

publish date 2021-12-09 12:22:38

Jordan News

Experts say the kingdom’s real estate sector is slowly gaining momentum despite the pandemic crisis, as the total area of ​​licensed buildings increased to 6.292 million square meters during the first nine months of 2021, compared to 3.849 million square meters during the same period in 2020, according to the department. Statistics.

Contractor Samer Samir said, “Buying an apartment is a big commitment, but especially this year, the pandemic has encouraged Jordanians, whether they live in the kingdom or abroad, to buy apartments or houses as a form of protection during crises.”

Samir added that the epidemic severely affected the housing sector and construction activities in Jordan, but this year it began to recover.

For his part, contractor Jacob Omar said that large numbers of people inquire about the prices of apartments consisting of two to three rooms, “so if demand rises next year, as happened during 2021, Jordan will witness a stronger recovery.”

In the first ten months of 2021, more than 33,000 apartments were sold, and about 37,000 apartments are expected to be sold by the end of 2021, according to the head of the Jordan Housing Developers Association, Kamal Al-Awamleh.

In the Kingdom, more than 4,500 plots of land were sold to contracting companies during the first ten months of 2021, according to the factor.

A report by the Department of Statistics showed that the total number of building permits issued in the Kingdom amounted to 19,742 during the first nine months of 2021, compared to 12,962 permits during the same period in 2020, an increase of 52.3%.

According to the report, the area of ​​authorized buildings allocated for residential purposes represented about 87.7% of the total area of ​​licensed buildings during the first nine months of 2021.

#Signs #recovery #real #estate #sector #prices #rise

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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