Natural recipes to get rid of hand wrinkles.. easy and simple steps
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The reasons for the appearance of hand wrinkles are many, including prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun, excessive washing of hands with soap and water, while ignoring their moistening, which leads to sagging skin, increased dryness and the appearance of hand wrinkles, and this problem can be treated by using natural recipes to get rid of hand wrinkles, Which we review in this report, according to the websitesiobeauty“.
Natural recipes to get rid of hand wrinkles: lemon juice and sugar
It is recommended to prepare a mixture of lemon juice and sugar in equal quantities, and put it on the hands with a massage, as this recipe helps to remove dark spots and aging spots and cleans the hands, as well as removes dead skin cells, and makes the hands soft.
Getting rid of wrinkles
Banana pulp to get rid of hand wrinkles
Bananas contain a high percentage of vitamins and minerals, which help get rid of hand wrinkles, by mashing a banana on the hands, leaving them to dry, then washing hands with warm water, repeating the recipe twice a week to get a positive result.
Getting rid of hand wrinkles
Olive oil to get rid of hand wrinkles
It is recommended to massage the hands with olive oil before going to sleep at night, wearing cotton gloves to prevent staining of the hands, and then when washing them with warm water upon waking up, while repeating the recipe regularly as it helps to get soft and wrinkle-free hands.
Tomato juice to get rid of hand wrinkles
It is recommended to soak the hands in tomato juice for several minutes and then wash the hands with water, repeating the recipe on a daily basis to get a positive result, because tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect the skin and works to get rid of wrinkles.
Ways to get rid of hand wrinkles
Aloe vera gel to get rid of hand wrinkles
The aloe vera plant contains malic acid, which helps reduce the signs of wrinkles and aging, by applying aloe vera gel on the hands and leaving them for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinsing them with warm water and leaving the hands to dry.
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Source : اخبار الاردن