
“Al-Quds International”: a pivotal stage in the liquidation of the identity of “Al-Aqsa” by imposing the entirety of the biblical rituals in it

Amman Today

publish date 2021-09-23 20:32:55

Al-Quds International Foundation said that the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque witnessed, over the current biblical feast season, an unprecedented aggression since its occupation in 1967, indicating that the temple groups and the occupation government worked to advance the agenda of the “moral establishment of the temple” by imposing the entire Biblical rituals in Al-Aqsa Mosque. .

The Foundation added in a statement that in the face of this unprecedented aggression against the Islamic identity of the mosque, we must convey the cry to the Arab Islamic nation that the mosque has entered a critical stage of liquidating its identity.

She explained that the complete establishment of these biblical activities in Al-Aqsa Mosque means that it is a moral foundation for the temple, meaning that the Zionist government and extremist Temple groups see the temple as existing as worship, rituals and practice, and this paves the way for its actual establishment in the place of Al-Aqsa Mosque and over its entire areas.

Regarding the Jordanian role, the Foundation said that the occupation authorities imposed a gradual shift in the role of the endowments of Jerusalem, which no longer administers Al-Aqsa Mosque today, but unfortunately manages the Islamic presence in it, as it is no longer able to decide or even document the occupation’s aggression against Al-Aqsa, so the guards of Al-Aqsa They heard the sound of the trumpet blowing in Al-Aqsa on 9-8-2021 without being able to film the incident, and documenting the Jewish rituals that they were able to document was from a distance of more than twenty meters; This is a serious decline in the ability of the body that represents the Islamic exclusivity of the mosque to control it and know its facts, and it requires an urgent and serious review of the structure, performance and role of the endowments of Jerusalem, and a review of the political position on the existential danger to which Al-Aqsa is exposed.

She called on the Jordanian government to review “dangerous behavior, which we still hope will not be a political approach, and we still hope that the official Jordan will remain a defender of Al-Aqsa and confront its historical responsibility despite the official Arab collapse, and as we have said repeatedly, the cohesion of the official Jordanian role with the popular will would protect This role makes it a lever to rouse an Arab act instead of being dragged into the square of regression and retreat.”

She also appealed to those stationed in the mosque, the people of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the occupied territories in 1948, the resistance, and the Arab and Islamic peoples to work to confront these dangerous Zionist moves.

Following is the text of the statement:

Over the course of the current biblical feast season, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque witnessed an aggression that it has not witnessed since its occupation in 1967, as extremist “temple groups” and the occupation government worked to advance the agenda of “moral establishment of the temple” by imposing the entire biblical ritual in Al-Aqsa as if it had become a “temple Allegedly; In the face of this unprecedented aggression against the Islamic identity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, it is our duty today to convey our cry to the Arab and Islamic nation and its living forces that Al-Aqsa has entered a critical stage of liquidating its identity, and that the battle over Al-Aqsa has become a battle of existence, either we are in it or we are not. What necessitates directing attention and energies towards defending Al-Aqsa and supporting the ribat in it, and assuming responsibilities towards it in a practical way that goes beyond verbal statements and positions.

The current Biblical feast season witnessed the blowing of the trumpet in Al-Aqsa on Wednesday 8-9-2021, marking the beginning of the Hebrew year from inside Al-Aqsa. A simulated performance of the offering of the offering of forgiveness, prayers on the steps of the Dome of the Rock, and biblical prayers and chants from the Tanzizi school, while on 9/21/2021 saw the introduction of the Biblical throne offerings to Al-Aqsa and on Wednesday 22/9 the storming of 747 extremists, they increased to about a thousand the next day. Most of them performed biblical rites in one form or another at Al-Aqsa.

This dedication to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, as a de facto center of biblical worship, is considered by the “temple groups” and the occupation government as a “moral foundation for the temple,” meaning that it sees that the alleged Jewish “temple” has become established as worship, rituals and practice, and this paves the way for its actual establishment in the place of Al-Aqsa and on the whole. its area, whether by mobilizing efforts around this establishment and making it closer, or by direct divine intervention to bring it down from heaven, which a large segment of those extremists believe in.

In the face of this liquidating aggression against the identity of Al-Aqsa, we address our call in four directions:

First: Our appeal to the Jordanian government is the reference for the endowments of Jerusalem
The occupation authorities imposed a gradual shift in the role of the endowments of Jerusalem, which no longer manages Al-Aqsa Mosque today, but unfortunately manages the Islamic presence in it, as it is no longer able to decide or even document the occupation’s aggression against Al-Aqsa, so the guards of Al-Aqsa heard the sound of the trumpet blowing in Al-Aqsa on 9/8-2021 without being able to film the incident, and documenting the Jewish rituals that they were able to document was from a distance of more than twenty meters; This is a serious decline in the ability of the body that represents the Islamic exclusivity of the mosque to control it and know its facts, and it requires an urgent and serious review of the structure, performance and role of the endowments of Jerusalem, and a review of the political position on the existential danger to which Al-Aqsa is exposed.

The role of Al-Quds Endowments in Al-Aqsa is witnessing a serious deviation from which it is no longer possible to turn a blind eye. Al-Aqsa on 6/21/2018, which the Foundation alerted to when it happened; Is this a coincidence? A number of researchers and activists, quoting the guards of Al-Aqsa themselves, announced that the occupation police informed them that they would not consider the prayers of the Zionist extremists as a violation, starting with the Biblical “Feast of Yom Kippur” on 10/10/2019. Press release” considered this as “rumors” accusing its owners of serving extremist Zionist groups, only to discover later that it has become the central agenda of the occupation in Al-Aqsa since that date, and now it is progressing more on every Jewish holiday; What is the interest of the endowment administration in denying the Zionist aggression and in delaying awareness of it? What is its interest in distributing accusations and adopting a hostile stance against those who convey the reality of this aggression?

Moreover, while the extremist “temple groups” vowed to storm and perform religious rituals on the day of Arafat, corresponding to 7-30-2020, we were all surprised by a circular issued by the Director of the Jerusalem Endowments on 7-7-2020 prohibiting any employee or guard in the endowments from entering Publishing any news related to Al-Aqsa Mosque without its official permission; While the occupation was pursuing those employees and guards to silence their voice and prevent them from facing the aggression on Al-Aqsa or even documenting it; Does it serve the interest of Al-Aqsa that the pressures of the occupation and the administration of endowments combine on the guards of Al-Aqsa to prevent the transfer of the image of aggression against it?

Our call to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to review this dangerous behavior, which we still hope will not be a political approach, and we still hope that the official Jordan will remain a defender of Al-Aqsa and confront its historical responsibility despite the official Arab collapse. It would protect this role and make it a lever to provoke an Arab act instead of being dragged into the square of retreat and retreat.

Second: Our call to the Almoravids, the Jerusalemites, and our people inside the occupied territories in 1948 and in the West Bank
Al-Aqsa Mosque has become more exposed than ever before, but your will has been proven by living proof that it is louder and more strict than any other backer that can be relied upon in defending Al-Aqsa. In the 2015 Knives Intifada, in the Bab al-Asbat donation 2017, in the Bab al-Rahma donation 2019, and in the Bab al-Amoud donation, and the storming of Ramadan 28 in 2021. It was your steadfastness, your bond, and your defense of Al-Aqsa and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood that called to action the other elements of strength and deterrence in the blessed battle of the sword of Jerusalem. We call on you to renew your resolve and to carry out your covenant with Al-Aqsa and your nation with you, and God is with us with his strength, for Al-Aqsa was the trigger of the conflict over the past three decades, and it seems that it is his destiny to remain so to be the detonator of the battle of liberation, God willing.

Third: Our call to resistance against the Zionist project in all its places of existence
The battle of Saif al-Quds under fire managed to stop the incursions of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque for a period of 19 days, which constituted the longest closure of the door of the incursions since 8/21/2003; And it made the occupation weigh the return of the incursions and the scale of the aggression for fear of the repercussions of the response, and that establishing an equation in Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds with the occupation is not an easy matter and cannot be imposed with just one battle. The occupation works day and night to undermine what the battle imposed on the field, and to end the cohesion of the resistance with Jerusalem and return it to the square of calm and escalation under the pressures of life’s needs. In the face of an aggression that Al-Aqsa has not witnessed since its occupation, and in the face of the possibilities of its recurrence in the coming month of 11-2021 and in the next Ramadan as well; We call on the resistance to adopt a political and military strategy that places aggression on Al-Aqsa at the heart of the equations of escalation and calm within the available capabilities.

Fourth: Our call to the Arab and Islamic peoples and popular forces
Al-Aqsa Mosque is an Islamic sanctuary to which the Ummah has been entrusted with all its peoples and generations. Preserving and liberating it is all our responsibility, as is the preservation of Christian sanctities and the authentic Arab identity of Jerusalem. To undermine the wave of normalization that legitimizes aggression against Al-Aqsa and constitutes an instrument of sale to it, and our call to popular movements and currents to keep Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds in the forefront of their awareness and interest, and not to allow such blatant aggression to pass without effective popular action against it.

Beirut on 9/23-2021

#AlQuds #International #pivotal #stage #liquidation #identity #AlAqsa #imposing #entirety #biblical #rituals

World News

Source : ألدستور

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