
Glasses that prevent visual impairment | LebanonFiles

Amman Today

publish date 2021-09-22 08:49:48

Myopia has become a health problem that worries many around the world, especially in light of the frequent use of electronic devices and more dealing with screens. In this context, Chinese scientists were able to develop glasses that curb poor eyesight and shortness of sight in humans. The glasses are equipped with focused rings that are designed to better focus the light on the retina, in order to add more clarity to the image.

When this transformation occurs thanks to the addition of the focus rings, it helps slow the change in the shape of the eyeball, the latter of which is a prominent feature of human myopia. During the experiments, it was noted that after one year of wearing the new glasses, the eye development of these children became similar or slightly slower than their counterparts without any myopia.

#Glasses #prevent #visual #impairment #LebanonFiles

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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