The Sudanese National Congress condemns the coup attempt and rejects the accusations leveled against it
Amman Today
publish date 2021-09-21 20:44:50
The former ruling Sudanese National Congress Party condemned the coup attempt, which the Sudanese armed forces announced thwarted, stressing the party’s rejection of the approach of military coups as a means of political change.
The party rejected what it described as the Hamdok government’s haste of accusing the National Congress Party, indicating that the haste in filing accusations was caused by the political rivalry.
He pointed out that the armed forces have the best knowledge of the officers involved in the coup attempt and their political affiliation, if any.
Following is the text of the statement:
The Almighty said: (O you who have believed, if a wicked person comes to you with news, make it clear that you injure a people out of ignorance, then you become stubborn.)
God is great
Honorable Citizens:
Brothers and sisters in the National Congress Party throughout this vast country,
At the National Congress, we followed with great interest the news that recurred today about a coup attempt that was contained by the armed forces. We begin by reiterating in this context what the National Congress Shura decided in its last statement on May 29, and what was stated in the party’s amended political system of total rejection of military coups as a means of political change. We condemn in the strongest terms this attempt, from which the country would have gained nothing but further deterioration and dispersal of the matter.
In our statement, we do not wish to fall into the mistake that Hamdok’s government made in anticipating the statement of the General Command of the Armed Forces, which is the most knowledgeable of those who orchestrated this attempt and their political affiliation, if any. And it is exactly what Hamdok’s government did in its statement, which still does not find a hanger to hang its failures or a scarecrow with which to frighten people, except for the National Congress, for the revelation of that balqa lie. The major issues of the homeland are too big to enter the political market, so those who trade in them trade in them, or those who bid them outbid. Therefore, in a self-confident position, we did not rush to identify this side by stoning, but rather waited for what the leadership of the armed forces and its official spokesman would say to give them the full opportunity to clarify the truth for the Sudanese people. And here is the statement of the armed forces indicating that those who made this attempt were a group of officers and other ranks, and it is completely devoid of any reference to the party that the government, its prime minister and its official spokesperson would like to accuse and implicate with falsehood as a cure and revenge. Perhaps the armed forces will reveal more that will clarify the false claim of Hamdok and his official spokesman.
O proud people:
The present government confusion, one of its latest manifestations, is to anticipate the statement of the armed forces with a miserable political declaration that hastens political gain, has become the dominant feature of the performance of the transitional government. In addition to the executive weakness and utter failure of the government in all areas, especially in the security field and in facilitating people’s livelihood, the scope of the government’s authority and influence has recently receded from the outskirts of the country. What is happening in eastern Sudan is nothing but clear evidence of that. Thus, the continuation of this government in power for any additional day has become the biggest threat to the country’s unity and stability. Hence, we call upon the armed forces, while thwarting this failed coup attempt, to also address their major constitutional responsibilities in securing the transitional period and taking it to its natural end represented by holding elections, which it is required to expedite and take place as soon as possible to prevent the country’s rupture or worsening of its situation in both areas. security and economic.
We also call upon the armed forces and all those who are hoarse to listen to the voice of reason and accept a comprehensive national accord that does not exclude anyone whose goal is to pull the country out of its lull that the forces of freedom and change and its dilapidated government threw into it.
May God protect the country and servants from all harm and perpetuate its unity, security and stability.
National Congress Party Sudan Safar 14 1443 AH September 21, 2021 AD
#Sudanese #National #Congress #condemns #coup #attempt #rejects #accusations #leveled
World News
Source : ألدستور