
Its benefits are amazing… Fruits and vegetables never throw away their peel!

Amman Today

publish date 2021-09-21 09:11:36

Humans waste huge amounts of potentially useful waste, among which are many types of fruits and vegetables, the peels of which have amazing health benefits.

“Boldsky’s website” monitored a number of vegetables and fruits, whose peels contain a huge number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber and flavonoids, which make their peels as important as the fruit itself.

The most prominent list of those fruits and vegetables whose peels should never be thrown away is as follows:


Scientific studies have observed that apple peel contains an antioxidant called “catechin”, in addition to chlorogenic acids, procyanidin, epicatechin and quercetin, which protect against a huge range of chronic and inflammatory diseases.


Experts say that the banana peel contains a huge number of soluble and insoluble fibers such as pectin, cellulose, lignin, half-cellulose and resistant starch. Many skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, and banana peel can be used as a mask for shiny hair, teeth whitening, and used to remove the effects of sunburn and insect bites.


Experts confirm that the orange peel is rich in healthy “pectin” fibers, a huge number of phenolic compounds, as well as a huge number of antioxidants and inflammations, which makes it ideal for diabetics and those seeking to reduce levels of fat, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis, in addition to its effects. Large to contain cancerous tumors


Lemon peel protects children from obesity, and reduces their incidence of heart disease and diabetes when they grow up, according to the latest specialized scientific studies. Use lemon peel as well, to cleanse the skin and lighten the brown areas, or rub it on the scalp to treat fungal and bacterial infections in it.


Eggplant peel is a major source of anthocyanin, which protects against multiple sclerosis, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Eggplant peel can also be used to treat sunburn and treat oily skin symptoms.


Potatoes contain two vital compounds, gallic and chlorogenic acid, in addition to terpenes, potassium, vitamin C, B vitamins and fiber, all of which help prevent cardiovascular diseases, eliminate bacterial infections, accelerate wound healing and lose weight. .


Scientific studies have proven that pomegranate peel plays a major role in the prevention of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, immunodeficiency and osteoporosis. Pomegranate peel can be used as a hair mask to prevent hair loss and brittleness.


Scientific studies have reported that onion peel contains quercetin, which makes it a natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, and protects against heart disease and neurological diseases. Soaked onion peel can be used as a natural pain reliever, and treat insomnia and depression.


Cucumber peel is famous as a natural moisturizer for the skin, due to its richness in fibers and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and silica, which makes it able to eliminate wrinkles and signs of aging.


Therapeutic nutrition experts confirm that tomato peel is rich in carotenoids, phenols and fatty acids, which have many benefits, most notably repairing damage to the skin, protecting the heart and preventing cancer. Tomato peel can be used as a natural antiparasitic, and to speed up wound healing.

#benefits #amazing #Fruits #vegetables #throw #peel

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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