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Al-Ayasra…and “minimal diplomacy” in dealing with Iran!

Amman Today

publish date 2021-09-16 21:25:28

Jordan News

Representative Omar al-Ayasra called for what he called “minimal diplomacy” to deal with Iran, considering that the Iranian file must be put on the table in the relationship with Iraq.

Al-Ayasra, who was a member of the parliamentary delegation that returned from Baghdad recently, added that the issue of religious tourism was not raised during the official discussions of the parliamentarians’ visit to Baghdad, but he confirmed that discussions took place personally with Iraqi leaders on the issue.

Al-Ayasra confirmed to Al-Mamlaka TV this evening, Thursday, that he assured the Iraqis that Jordan does not have a problem with the sect, and the Amman message attests to that and that King Hashemi and they understand this well.

He added, “We are sensitive to political Shiism, and there are precautions and obstacles, and if they are removed, no one will object to that, and we have tried to convey this message to them, considering that we are not required to offer free things even if we need religious tourism, and when it is political, the interest of the state becomes more important than approaching dollars.” .

He also indicated that a diplomatic discussion was held with the Popular Mobilization Forces, about their understanding that Jordan has its allies and that it cannot open up to Iran in a large way.

Al-Ayasra demanded the appointment of a Jordanian ambassador in Baghdad of a political weight who can deal with Iraqi files, and within the Jordanian interest, pointing out that the current Jordanian ambassador is from an economic background.

#AlAyasraand #minimal #diplomacy #dealing #Iran

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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