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Muscle augmentation obsession.. Hormones cause infertility for users in Jordan

Amman Today

publish date 2021-09-03 18:42:39

The thirty-year-old Haitham Al-Harbawi (a pseudonym upon his request) lost the ability to have children as a result of injecting himself with steroids (chemical compounds that are manufactured to be like natural hormones in the body, and come in the form of injections and medicines) in a gym in Amman, as he began to feel after seven months of using it. Hormonal injections reduce his sexual ability, which was shocking for Al-Harbawi and his wife, as they described, because they failed to give birth to a third child as a result of low sperm numbers from the normal value of 15 million sperm per milliliter, while the laboratory examination conducted by Al-Harbawi on May 26 shows Last May, the number had 8 million sperm.

The number of sperms reduces the incidence of infection in which one of them fertilizes the egg to produce pregnancy, according to the clarification of Dr. Bahaa Al-Radawneh, a consultant in kidney, urology, sexual weakness and infertility in men, who was briefed by the investigator on the results of Al-Herbawi’s examination.

hormone that causes infertility

The case of the Herbawi is part of what was monitored by the doctor Al-Raduna through his work in his clinic regarding the prevalence of infertility problems, lack of sperm or weakness among users of male hormone injections “testosterone”, known commercially by other names such as “Deca and Testa” for a period of time in search of building attractive muscles and bodies .

Al-Radawneh reached this conclusion after reviewing the reports of his patients, especially those whose ability to have children declined after their affairs were normal, to find that these were pioneers of sports clubs and used hormones, stressing that “the problem is not in the club, but in the use of hormonal injections after joining the clubs.”

According to his estimates, “50% of those who visit his clinic because they suffer from sexual problems or infertility, were those who use artificial hormones.”

The problem of the male hormone “testosterone” is that it disrupts the work of natural hormones inside the body, which leads to the disruption of sperm production and the lack of it, so-called “azoospermia” or azoospermia, and thus affects the man’s sexual and reproductive ability, leading to infertility, which is often eternal and difficult to treat. According to satisfaction.Photo

The harm is not limited to sexual weakness or infertility, but these hormones cause feelings of anger and aggression, as well as heart attacks, heart diseases and strokes, according to the head of the scientific department at the Jordanian Anti-Doping Organization Kifah Taha, noting that the years 2013 and 2014 witnessed the registration of 14 deaths of young men as a result of their use. Steroids in sports clubs in Jordan, and the organization monitored this at that time during an awareness campaign it organized about the dangers of steroids and hormones, but it does not have recent statistics because it monitors and examines athletes in clubs affiliated with the official federations only, stressing that random examinations are conducted for players and positive cases appear every year, They are punished with a suspension from two to four years, as last year, 4 positive cases of players’ abuse of steroids, including anabolic hormones such as “testosterone”, were recorded, as well as 4 cases were recorded in 2019.

The role of sports clubs

Uday Al-Maani, in his thirties, got injections of the male hormone “testosterone” from a trainer in a sports club in the Sports City area in Amman, where he registered to get a huge and perfect body. 50-75 dinars (between 70 and 106 dollars), referring to the difference in price from one seller to another to the type and mood of the seller as well, explaining that he was injecting it twice a week, but his deteriorating health after 5 months of use made him stop even though his weight increased 15 kilos Gram in that period, according to him, and the beginning of the symptoms was his feeling of severe pain in the kidneys, and his sexual ability declined significantly, which prompted him to see a doctor specializing in urology, kidney and infertility diseases, and after conducting a number of tests, it was found that steroids caused kidney pain and elevated liver enzymes. he have.

Ayed Khalil, the owner of a sports club in the capital, shows that young people actually start using these materials after they go to the clubs, but the matter does not happen inside the clubs, but rather outside the entire facility in most cases, and for fear that the owners of the clubs will be exposed to any accountability, they prevent their use inside the training halls. According to him. Pointing out that the trainee or the player himself asks the coach to secure these hormones, which in turn guides him to the source from which he can buy, and confirms that there are many types that are sold on the black market after their introduction to the country from the countries of origin, and most of them come from Egypt, Iran and Russia, most notably Decca, Testa, which is Derived from the male hormone testosterone, trenbolone which is also anabolic steroids to increase muscle growth and appetite and is stronger than testosterone, Primobola which causes a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood and affects the health of the testicles, in addition to Boldenone which is an androgenic and a synthetic derivative of testosterone It was developed for veterinary use but has become popular among athletes to enhance performance despite its classification as a banned substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), because of its risks that have appeared in animal studies, as it causes a decrease in testosterone production in men, causing great harm. Reproductive system and male fertility, including decreased testicular size, decreased sperm count and motility, and is also classified as: A human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. According to an article published on the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) on April 9, 2020. Photo

Jordan Investigation - Hormones 2

Khalil believes that taking hormones in the right way does not harm health, saying: “I have not heard that anyone knows how to take them in the right way and when to relax and clean his body, and he suffered from infertility, but some players took it badly and it caused them problems with kidneys and hormones.” He added that the desired result is only taken in the case of commitment to eating, sleeping and exercising, and in the event of commitment, the body begins to take the required form after the third week of use.

The real problem is convincing young people that these injections do not harm and can easily get out of the body

Al-Radawneh considers the above dangerous because: “The real problem is convincing young people that these injections do not harm and can be removed from the body easily, but this is not true because what is happening as a result of their use is damage to the sperm-producing cells in the testicles.” This is confirmed by the Endocrine Society in a guide prepared by IPEN to eliminate pollutants entitled “Endocrine disrupting chemicals” in December 2014, that chemicals disrupt the endocrine glands by mimicking or inhibiting a natural hormone. In the case of hormone mimics, chemicals can trick hormone receptors into thinking that chemicals are hormones, and these can activate the receptors in an inappropriate way, stimulating processes that are normally activated only by the action of a natural hormone, and in the case of hormone inhibitors, a substance can attach itself to hormone receptors However, in this case, the receptors are inhibited and cannot be activated, even if the natural hormone is present. The best example of this is the estrogen hormone disorder in the endocrine glands, as both males and females have estrogen receptors ERs that are found in many cells such as the brain, bone, and vascular tissue, And reproductive tissues, and it plays an important role in the reproductive process of females and males, and it is normal for it to exercise its work after its release from the gonads (ovaries in females or testes in males). Androgen receptors are also inhibited by endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as testosterone, progesterone, and thyroid hormones, so these chemicals can have wide-ranging consequences for endocrine-controlled biological processes.


Dr. Nizar Mhaidat, Director of the Food and Drug Administration, distinguishes between using steroids to enlarge the body or using them for medical purposes to help bodily organs, tissues and cells perform their functions, by giving the body balanced amounts of these substances for growth and enabling women to have children, and these steroids are manufactured drugs, and he adds The two most common types are corticosteroids, which are used to reduce the intensity of inflammation in the body, and reduce the ability to fight infection by suppressing inflammation, and because of this side effect, they are used with great caution because oral and intravenous use may lead to high blood pressure and heart failure Diabetes, peptic ulcer and osteoporosis. Thus, its use should be limited to cases where the benefit of its use outweighs the risks. Anabolic steroids are hormones that promote muscle growth and increase strength and energy, and their main component is testosterone and related drugs. There are Deca-Durabolin and Testosterone registered in Jordan as a drug, and they are only prescribed by prescription. Anabolic steroids promote muscle growth, increase strength and energy, and are therefore often used illegally by athletes to outpace competitors in sports. Like football players, wrestlers and weightlifters, but he asserts that many athletes abuse anabolic steroids and focus on their goal of enhancing muscle strength and improving athletic performance, ignoring their side effects.

While Muhaidat asserts that no violation has been documented against pharmacies that sell hormones and bodybuilding proteins without a prescription, the investigator documented the ease of obtaining these hormonal drugs from 3 pharmacies in Amman and Zarqa without a prescription, and a pharmacist in one of the pharmacies she included The round that players and athletes can buy and inject directly into the muscle for amplification. She explained that German-made Deca-Durabolin sold for 4.5 dinars ($6.35), while German-made testosterone sold for 4.80 dinars ($6.77).

Mahadat responds to what is documented by the “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” investigation about the common use of hormones among athletes, that the Food and Drug Corporation periodically inspects the places of sale of athletes’ food and products and ensures that all products offered are approved according to the license book and the approved statement card, and during its tours it withdraws any product From the markets, it is found that there is a hormonal substance in it, knowing that it is forbidden to license any product that has medicinal or hormonal allegations and legal action is taken against violators. These measures also include athletes’ foods that are subject to the instructions issued by the institution and to laboratory examination if imported to indicate their suitability for human consumption and that they are free of any hormonal and medicinal substances.

Legislative failure

Taha attributes the chaos of the spread and use of hormones and industrial proteins in clubs and gyms to the lack of legislation punishing their users and sellers, saying that “there is no law prohibiting the sale of these hormones and penalties are imposed only on players of official sports federations.” She added that there was a draft law to ban doping in 2008, but the law has not yet been approved and is still in the Legislation and Opinion Bureau.

The chaos of the spread and use of hormones and industrial proteins in clubs and gyms is due to the lack of legislation that punishes their users and sellers

The Food and Drug Administration did not monitor the number of times the banned hormones were confiscated, according to their written response to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed. Mhaidet says: Any of these substances are confiscated from people coming from abroad, as they are often marketed in fitness and bodybuilding centers.

Despite the widespread use of hormones in sports clubs, i.e. for non-medical purposes, according to the assurances of interrogation sources from trainees and trainers, Mhaidat describes “Jordan’s markets as safe in the field of athletes’ products and foodstuffs” because no product is allowed to be imported until after it has been studied by A specialized committee is studying the product with all its components and everything mentioned on the statement card. The license to import and trade many athletes food products has been refused.

This applies to importing for personal use, so the institution does not allow it except in a specific number and quantity and after reviewing the components of the products and ensuring their safety and the absence of any substances that may have a hormonal or medicinal effect. However, Al-Herbawi, Al-Maani and Khalil confirm that the prohibited hormones are sold and used with caution, away from oversight, and even illegally entered through the bags of travelers, especially through airports, among personal belongings, and Al-Araby Al-Jadeed went to ask the Jordanian Customs Administration about its procedures in the event of seizure of prohibited industrial hormones in airports or Border crossings, and Imad Abu Jamous, the media spokesman for the Jordan Customs Administration, explains that any pharmaceutical products seized by customs refer their order to the “Food and Drug Administration” before disposing of them, even if they are prohibited items for use by the Food and Drug Administration at that time, they are destroyed because they are illegal The fine for the offender is estimated based on the value of the smuggled materials.

The New Arab

#Muscle #augmentation #obsession #Hormones #infertility #users #Jordan

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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