
Why does the skin age prematurely?

Amman Today

publish date 2021-08-20 18:48:29

Old age phobia is one of the most common phobias in the world. Because there is no one among the people who wants to appear ugly in front of others or to be a burden on his relatives.

The fear of aging is accompanied by the fear of loneliness. So we notice that everyone is preoccupied with their appearance and the issue of aging. Because of course, no one wants to lose their youth early.

But why does our skin age prematurely?

– Nutrition experts believe that excessive consumption of sweets harms not only fitness, but also the health of the body, including the health of the skin. Because excess glucose and simple hydrocarbons lead to weight gain, and the risk of diabetes and joint disease. That is, the body is aging rapidly, due to the chemical effect of simple carbohydrates on the proteins of the body – collagen and elastin, as they constitute 25-45 percent of the body’s proteins. They are responsible for the elasticity and durability of skin tissues, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, and others. Therefore, when you eat too much sweets, glucose begins to interact with proteins, and a chemical process begins, which results in the decomposition of collagen and elastin, which leads to the deterioration of the condition of the skin, as it loses its original elasticity, becomes dry and aging. Therefore, they are advised not to overeat sweets.

And we must always remember, that diet is not always beneficial. We often forget when striving for fitness, that in addition to reducing the amount of food, we must pay attention to the nutrients we consume. Because its deficiency in our food affects the synthesis of collagen. Therefore, instead of paying attention to “diet”, attention should be paid to “correct nutrition”. This is much better than enduring hunger and then combating its consequences.

– You should drink a lot of water. Because water is the source of life on Earth. Water stops the aging of brain cells, reduces the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction, and improves the functions of body organs. Therefore, you should drink water regularly throughout the day. And then aging is delayed a lot.

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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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